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Doesn't really go in this topic, but what the hell, eh?
I have made a mess of my C: drive. it's 12 Gigs and only registers 8.99 Gigs, because i made a linux partition with fips that took up the rest, then uninstalled Linux and erased the partition. (there was a good reason though, so don't feel bad. The truth is, it's a laptop, and i can't run the gui in linux with my proprietary sucks-windows'-arse graphics situation)
Anyway, where was i? Aha! so i have a big clump of unused space and fips and fdisk both refuse to touch it, as far as i can see, as the partitions are too complex and all that guff. (there's the ex linux swap partition too, plus the laptop should have it's own partition for special power saving et c functions so these may be confusing fdisk and fips)
The bottom line is: how can i sort it all out without paying the

Oh yes, plus, if i type format c: at the dos prompt, will it format the whole disk including the 2 gigs of free space? or just the recognised c: partition of 8.99 gigs?

Download Mirc32 and join EFnet, then look for Part Magic warez
Otherwise - mail me.
BTW, if you type format c:\ it formats your C:\ PARTITION!!
Once you've got Part magic make the diskets and boot from them, then you can format all your loose partitions and add them to your c:\

Well, i am only at internet cafe status at the moment, so many online services are out of reach to me right now. It seems to me though, that since the demo versions of partition magic are truly demos and can't be hacked (so i believe) one would need to go and download a whole copy of the install files for the full version, plus crack or serial or whatever. Is this true? (as i say, this is not an option for me as i don't have an isp at the moment. Or even a phone line actually. Well, no great shakes if that's the case)
Of course i needn't point out that this whole theoretical discussion includes stuff which is illegal in most countries and i was also interested in legitimate ways of having some sort of decent control over my own hard drive.
Thanks for replying, Whothagod....

Don't pirate. If you want to use Partition Magic, buy it.  If you don't want to spend money, use FIPS (as long as you are not running NTFS).  And don't pirate MS software, use something else. Pirating actually helps MS, not hurts them as they would like people to believe, so don't do it.


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