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Yes Linux can read FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, ext2, ext3, xiafs, iso9660, romfs, ufs, qnx4, bfs, xfs, cramfs, hfs, hpfs, adfs, JFS, ReiserFS, minix, and more. Although for NTFS I believe it is still "read-only" access from Linux.  In fact in RedHat 7.2 they left NTFS disabled completely because apparently a bug cropped up in the NTFS code in the kernel they shipped with 7.2.  You can always rebuild the kernel and enable it, or get a newer kernel that has the NTFS bug fixed.  In fact I think you can enable it for read-write but they strongly recommend against it.  You see this filesystem comes from a proprietary closed source system so you have to do a lot of guess work for NTFS.

As far as Windows. Win3.1 can only read FAT16, Win95-WinME can only read FAT16/FAT32. WinNT can read FAT16/NTFS, Win2k-WinXP can read FAT16/FAT32/NTFS.

And here is a list of partition types you can set with "fdisk" in Linux:

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The columns above may show up a little out of alignment but you get the idea.  Guess how many Windows recognizes?

[ February 11, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Okay, Back again.
Still not got Linux yet, i'm waiting for my sister to post me my RedHat7.0 and Turbolinux6.1 CDs. She has borrowed Mandrake 8.0 (but not having much luck) so she doesn't need my CDs.
I have a bunch of CD burning to do. 6 Gigs of MP3s to get off the hard drive. Once that's over with, the HD gets a total format, and i'll set up a dual or triple boot scenario.

As we know, i'm running WinME on a laptop with unusual hardware. I wrote to the people who assembled it (PC Club Australia) and they have not bothered to get back to me. Nice.
Now, let's just say for hypotheticals' sake that i had installed Windows 2000 in order to get a dual windows boot going on to start off with. (the motivation for this is to have a "stable as possible" windows installation and a "who gives a shit" installation, this will mean i can burn the mp3 cds from the "safe" one with little fear of the whole thing falling on its arse.)
Well, i installed win2000 on a FAT32 partition, of about 1.7 gigs, then when i had a problem, i reinstalled it on NTFS, not to fix the problem, but just because i had changed my mind re: fat32/ntfs, and hoped said problem would sort itself out in the process. No luck.
The problem is this:
when you set up win2000, the only user that exists so far is "Administrator". The first thing you do when you have installed windows is check EVERY setting in the Control Panels. When you log on as "Administrator" in win2000, you CAN'T GET IN TO THE CONTROL PANELS!
A message comes up saying you aren't authorised to use that folder, drive or partition (it doesn't even know which it is!). You can open control panel up, but you can't get inside any of the actual control panels if you know what i mean. What's the point? log on as root, and you can't even change any settings! Useless.
So what's the answer? am i doomed? will i have to use winNT4 instead? remember i will be installing linux in the next few weeks or months, but i know from doing it before that, when i do, i will be coming back here with a handful of cul de sacs i have come up against. It'll be redhat7.0 i try first, unless anybody can tell me why i should use turbolinux instead, then when i can finally order a cd of maybe Mandrake 8.1 or 8.2 if it's out by then, i might switch to that, again unless anybody has any better ideas of what distro to use for a pernicketty windowsME specific laptop...
Thanks a lot in advance, again...

Well, my linuxing friend from New Zealand had a poke around for 15 mins on my laptop last night. He hasn't used windows for a year, and he was still regediting and dosprompting away like nobody's business.
I gather his laptop runs his own compilation of linuxfromscratch at a command line with no gui at all.
Anyway, he managed to open up the control panels from a dos box, using the command strings from the registry, i changed the settings to what i wanted them to be and rebooted. No change.
Well, i have  little patience for this NT rubbish, i had higher hopes. I reckon it'll have to be deleted and the 1.7 gigs saved for something useful.
This means only one windows install on my laptop (one too many) but the problem is, if i can't get win2000 to work, and i can't get win98 to work, and winME works perfectly, then by hell, this laptop really is in a proprietary snit and i am not looking forward to trying to make linux work on it, when i still don't know what bits are inside.
Thanks PC Club Australia...

win2000 has been uninstalled for being useless, red hat 7.0 has been installed in it's place. it has 2.2 as its kernel.
X will only display a blank screen though, as i do not have the right config file for my SiS630 graphics card/lcd screen. any ideas how to get it all up and going? i amsearching google now for another person who has figured out the solution...
any help gratefully received!
thanks in advance...

General help, not sure tht the driver is supported.


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