All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
That's another reason I suggested going with RedHat 7.2 over 7.0. Although I can't say for sure that it will work with your laptop, it has a more recent version of X windows (4+) and probably a better chance of working on odd laptop displays. Not to mention running the 2.4 series kernel over 2.2. Again, I won't say that 7.2 will for sure work on your system, and I won't say for sure that a little config tweaking on 7.0 won't make it work. For the older X (3.x) I always had good luck with "xconfigurator" for setting up my XF86Config file (not always on the first try though).
well, i am a total linux newbie, so the following words will be painfully boring i am sure, but my linuxing friend helped me get round the graphics card problem and IT WORKS!!!!! :D HOORAY!
Apparently it's using the frame buffer in order to get the X Server to work... (?)
this was seemingly quite easy to set up using a little thing that i downloaded from the net, as several people had the same problem.Apparently SuSE and DebIan support the SiS630 chipset as standard, and maybe newer releases of other things do too.
It works!!!
I also have a CD of linux applications which all look a bit useless compared with the programs that came with red hat anyway, but it seems this CD also contains the 2.4 kernel. Of course this is like a red rag to a bull, as soon as i feel confident enough, i will be shoehorning the newer kernel into my new WORKING!! linux system.
Now X works, all the desktops work, and i can get an "inside out" feel for this OS. I reckon it is easier for me to learn the command line stuff from a desktop>console environment, just because of the way my brain works! It helps that said mate of mine doesn't run any desktops, so whenever i ask him a question, he'll tell me how to do it in a console, and later i figure out the graphical way to do it. This is good grounding as you can see what's going on first time, so that you know what is happening under the hood when you use the GUI to do it later...
Anyway, this is turning into a review of Linux! but all i wanted to say was... IT WORKS!!! IT WORKS!!!! :D :D
Congrats! Although I normally wouldn't want to hear a review until someone has seriously used *NIX for at least 6 months, it will be interesting to hear. The reason I say that is because it will take some time with a serious effort toward learning it that the light bulbs will start popping on and you will begin to see the power of *NIX and how difficult/limited Win* actually is. When going back to Win* (if you go back) you will find that you will be easily frustrated that you can't do certain things that you become accustomed to in *NIX.
i believe it!
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