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Go to and search for a program called part. It will handle just about any partioning problems and it is freeware. Oh btw it runs under dos.



To update my previous post here is the link to the Ranish Partition Manager (Part)


Excellent! Thanks, Centurian, i appreciate it. I'll go and get that stuff asap. In the meantime, i'm curious, Voidmain, please expand on the mechanics of why pirating helps Microsoft. Maybe we should start a new topic for it though...


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
In the meantime, i'm curious, Voidmain, please expand on the mechanics of why pirating helps Microsoft.
--- End quote ---

Let me ask you a question. Why are all the other vendors in the MS antitrust case completely against MSs remedy proposal to give schools 'x' dollars worth of MS software to needy schools? Short answer is: It extends the the MS monopoly. Before I start a list of reasons this would extend the MS monopoly I will give you a chance to think of a few on your own, and this certainly can be done in a new "topic". Many of the reasons on this list will directly coincide with the list of reasons that "pirating" MS software helps to extend their monopoly. RedHat proposed that MS buy the hardware for the schools and RedHat will put the software on it (for free).  This would not increase the MS monopoly and it would cause the schools to get more computers (many times more) than they would have in the MS proposal.Now I personally wouldn't care if it were RedHat, or any other vendor other than MS personally.

Here is a good read on the RedHat proposal:

Okay, back again.
At the moment i have just repartitioned the hard drive. It was successful but a bit hit and miss, since i borrowed a mate's old copy of Partition Magic 4, which needs to run on Win98 for some functions, so that it can reboot to true DOS mode, i have WinME right now, but using my trusty Win98 (DOS forgodssake!) boot disk, i discovered that Partition Magic is a fantastic command line application as well as a funky Win32 GUI one.
Anyway. I now have a 6 gig primary partition, a 2.5 gig primary partition and a 2.5 gig extended partition. All of these are currently FAT32. I also left 120Mb of space, in case i need an easy place to put a Linux swap partition in the future. You all know about my proprietary WinME specific hardware so i won't bore you.
Now, What i propose to do is dual boot to winME and Win98. I will have winME on the small primary partition, Win98 on the big primary partition (win98 doesn't recognise the USB hole, the modem or the PC card slot properly) and once the extended FAT32 partition is clear of files after that install, i will reformat it as ext3 or whatever, and install a Linux there. from experience i know this will take a long time to do the linux install, again because of proprietary driver problems re: my laptop.
My available OSs that i have on CD are Win98 se, WinME, Red Hat 7.0 (2cds), TurboLinux 6.1 (1 cd) and a couple of small UNIX type OSs that came with the great "Steal This Computer Book 2" by Wallace Wang, which is actually about Information and Communications Technology.
The main reason for all this caffuffle is that i want an installation of WinME where i never install or change anything once it's set up, this is so i can give the system the stability it needs to continue writing CDs without a hitch. That's the first thing to go when i install a new bit of software, the CDs start burning out and i get errors all over the shop. What i can do, is save all my installation experiments for the win98 partition which will never even be told that i have a cdwriter.
Now this story does have a point...
I need to ask a couple of questions you see:
First of all, any idea what would be a good boot manager for this setup? Now, i haven't tried BootMagic yet, and it has worked well for me in the past. I will try it tonight, so if you can't be bothered thinking of a bootmanager, no worries. Then again, if you have the perfect one in mind, let's hear it. I seem to remember that LILO was quite good, but can it run from a Windows FAT32 partition? i am hazy on the details.
Secondly, i suppose i need to ask how best to find Linux drivers for this computer i have, so i can change my extended partition to a proper Linux OS. There's little to no documentation re:the hardware collectively or individually. It's a "Highlander" laptop. I heard it had an ASUS motherboard, and i know it's a P3 850 Mhx chip. I am not too up on the general normal arrangements for laptops, eg what size/connection the harddrive will be, what shape of thing the chip connects to on the motherboard et c. I can pinpoint some of the stuff i have from the device manager, and i suppose i can open it up and see what's inside but then, once i have numbers scribbled down of all this odd stuff from foreign parts, are there databases for the drivers that people have done? or what? The external cdwriter i know what it is, and it's a usb drive, but i have checked and the manufacturers only write drivers for win98, winME, win2000 and winXP, not even a Mac driver! which is ludicrous for a usb device... so where oh where will i find these drivers?
I think that's it. Still, if anybody can see a problem i haven't thought of looming, please speak up!
I want to get this system sorted once and for all. Of course, if i can get all the drivers working then it's bye bye windows!
sorry for the length of my windedness, but i just wanted to explain so i could ask, now can anyone help me? Thanks a lot in advance anyway, guys!


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