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Windows 7
I think you're mistaken. There's nothing wrong with spending RAM on gui stuff. What the fuck else are you going to use it for?
I also think that the release of OSX was an extremely smart and critical move for Apple. The fact that no one has yet surpassed Aqua's graphics is testament to its worth. QT4 is 2nd best, but that's like saying 2nd best gladiator - just as dead at the end of the match as the 9th place guy.
--- Quote from: SiMuLaCrUm on 12 March 2009, 02:56 ---MS is doing the same as Apple did with the jump to OSX: making a more graphical GUI that simply wastes RAM, when they could do the same thing with a simpler, less bloated GUI.
--- End quote ---
If they would've kept the Windows 9.x interface, it wouldn't be "new".
Even if they did everything they promised (WinFS, not wasting RAM, not insane system requirements, actually removing all the bullshit from the kernel, etc.), and still kept a Windows 9.x interface, it wouldn't be "new".
People are set on what they can see, not if it actually works. I'm both, I run Compiz and have installed lots of Gnome themes, but I still like my OS because of the functionality.
Personally I think that resources can be put to better use than powering the GUI. Of course computers are becoming more powerful and can handle loads put on them by processing the GUI along with other processes, but to me, looks aren't all that important (I patched my UXtheme.dll file just because I hate the standard Windows themes). These enhanced GUIs to me have always just seemed to be a waste of resources. One can make the GUI just as powerful and easy to navigate without all the flashy effects and what not.
True. But there's no fun in that. It's like the Matrix. You could theoretically survive in one of those battery vats, surrounded by warm goo and fed by tubes, but it wouldn't be a satisfying life. You need to have color and animation and entertainment and spontaneity to thrive. Why deprive yourself of a visually and aesthetically stimulating environment on your computer screen? Especially if you are going to spend so much of your day using it.
Plus, think about it from a marketer's perspective. 2 things sell products - name recognition and visual stimulus. Which is why most people buy Windows - they've heard of it, and probably used it at work. In a computer store, with 3 basically identical laptops from 3 different manufacturers running 3 different OSs, how do you differentiate one from the other? How do you get them to buy your laptop? With wicked graphical effects and bitchin come-ons.
Furthermore, if your computer is unable to process OS graphical flourishes smoothly and easily, you are either a) running a computer that is too slow for your OS, or b) running a computer that is too slow for what you require of it. Upgrade your shit. It doesn't sound fair, but that's how the computer market works.
True, true. I never really looked from the marketing perspective. (Y) And yea, you need a new comp if it can't handle a new GUI lol.
Good simile by the way.
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