Author Topic: Had a terrifying dream about worker201  (Read 1096 times)


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Had a terrifying dream about worker201
« on: 8 March 2009, 11:01 »

So the dream took place in downtown New York. It was a busy day, sun was shining, cars were honking at each other, all dat shit. Basically, New York looked exactly like what someone who's never been there would think it would look like (like in the movies). So I step out of a large hotel (there was a prequel to this dream where I basically rode the elevator in that hotel and jumped and i would be in 0 gravity but its erelevent to the worker201 part) and see a police car with a large number of pizza boxes tied to the top of it. Outside of that car I see a large man in an Hawaiian shirt and white shorts. worker201. I walk up to him and ask with a smile: ''Hey worker201, can I get one of those Pizza boxes? It's me, fishcorn!''. He turns at me and says ''Get lawst, kid'' with a really awesome New York detective accent. So I walk away from the car and stare at it for a while. worker201 was basically doing rounds around his car. Took me a while to realize that he was patrolling the perimeter, like in Metal Gear (played it like a motherfucker with my cousin before going to bed). So I stealthily try to approach the car and I grab one of the many boxes that were placed on it. Too scared to turn around and see if he saw me, I simply ran to the nearest back alley. I turn around and see worker201 yell ''YOU'LL REGRET THAT! IM THE POLICE!''

I ignore his fat ass and ran as fast as I can in the same direction. Didn't take long and I was in what looked like a gettho somewhere in the west coast (lets say Compton nigga). I was in a grass field, to my left was a barbed wire fence and on the other side of that fence was some shitty looking houses. About 3 meters in front of me were 2 black kids with huge white shirts that stopped at their knees. I walk up to them and offer them a slice of pizza each to show them that I'm not racist. They thank me and we all sit down in the grass and talk about how the weather suddenly got better. I see a hot girl walking on the other side of the barbed wire fence and say, jokingly ''must be because of that hot bitch over there, God didnt want her to get all dressed up cuz of dat rain'' (I was talking like a nigger). So the 2 niggas leave and wave bye to me, all of a sudden. I stay there for a while and realize that my pizza box is in the grass and that there might be insects that will penetrate it (I hate eating outside for this reason). I pick it up and put it under my arm. Didn't take long to realize that I was far away from home. For some reason I knew that I only had 50 dollars and that this wouldn't be enough to fly back to Seattle. so I crawl under the barbed wire fence and start walking straight foward. After 5 minutes of walking I was back to where I was in the beggining of this dream, New York. I see worker201's car but worker201 isn't there.

''He couldnt possible hold a grudge against me for taking one of his 250 pizzas, could he?''

Oh shit.

It's worker201 for fucks sake.

I instantly started running, as fast as I could. Somehow, I knew that worker201 was right behind me, wanting to kill me and do horrible things with my beautiful dead body. I ran until I reached some kind of docks. A dead end. I turn around and see worker201 in the same clothes that he was wearing at the beggining of the dream but now he also had sunglasses and a blonde neckbeard. Terrified, I charged him like a cornered animal would. I was on him, seemingly winning. I was punching him as hard as I can but it wasn't hard enough. I knew that I was fucked when I saw that I couldn't even break his sunglasses. He was saying ''I wish I could punch you but mother would kill me''. While I was punching him, I saw images of sick shit that was considered normal in worker201's family. A sign saying ''Double penetration contest'' (not making this up) and ''Put objects in your ass'' written in bold under it. It was then that I realized that I wasn't fighting worker201. I was fighting the incarnation of every sick fuck on Microsuck. I was fighting worker201 and Calum, combined together in some kind of huge rape machine. He stood up like it was nothing, making me fly to the edge of the dock. I knew that the water was swarming with horrible sea monsters that usually haunt my nightmares. I was on my knees, begging him not to end me, in tears.

I looked up and saw him looking down at me, with a ''I will rape you'' smile.
« Last Edit: 8 March 2009, 11:03 by fishcorn »
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Re: Had a terrifying dream about worker201
« Reply #1 on: 8 March 2009, 14:29 »


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Re: Had a terrifying dream about worker201
« Reply #2 on: 12 March 2009, 03:03 »
I liked the giving the black kids pizza to show you're not racist part xD

(what's with the p i z z a smiley)
« Last Edit: 12 March 2009, 03:05 by SiMuLaCrUm »
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