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Cookie request from in this forum? YES!

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quote:Originally posted by X11:
Good to see you like mozilla zombie and according to Neotrace you live Just south of chicago at:
39.471N,  87.401W - Well anyway JOINK must be your ISP or something
--- End quote ---

ROFLMFAO. Your Longitude, Latitude is a little bit off buddy. I'll hint to you a little. I don't live near Bloomfield, IN. Try more like in Terre Haute, IN.    ;)  

If you really think you are scaring me you are dead wrong.

(EDIT)When did I ever say that I like Mozilla?(EDIT)

[ April 19, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


quote:Originally posted by X11:

Mozilla has cookie control, netscape has cookie control, lynx has cookie control, opera has cookie control... One thing that doesnt is your women.
--- End quote ---

Oh yeah she is really fat, let me tell you. Well I guess a 122 LBS. woman is fat compared to your 3 LBS. hand. ;P


quote:Originally posted by X11:
I dont realy care where you live i just need to look and see if if can see your mum from outer space, you would be near there. YOU NEED YOUR MUMMY
--- End quote ---

I don't need shit buddy. If you ever had the balls to show up at my house I would have no problem with knocking the hell out of you. Oh yeah thats right, you don't even own a car.  


quote:Originally posted by X11:
In fact i do own a car, its a ford, my mum runs a car  joint yo see, so i have more cars then you ever will.

And more money bitch, and i still use linux.

Personally i pay for my linux distro's.

And zombie, you probably never used any other machines, not mac not linux not sparc not nothin so suck my hairy balls bitch
--- End quote ---

HaHaHa, a Ford? Damn man, That is nothing to be proud of. Lets see, I own a 99 Chervolete Corvette, a 2000 Dodge Ram and a 95 Dodge Dakota(For hauling purposes). My G/F owns a 98 Mitsubishi Eclipse.
I really doubt you have more $$$ than me. You see man, I work in a computer shop and I make roughly $37.25 an hour and I get about 3-4 hours worth of work a day. If you do indeed have more $$$ than me then more power to you(it isn't like I'm jealous). A forum isn't like a whos the richest competition(Mr. Gates would have us all beat easily in that area).

(EDIT)Your wrong again buddy. I have owned an old IMac with a G3 processor and the sucker was alot slower than my PIII 667 mhz system and it always liked to freeze on me. I tried everything with it(I even clean installed OS9 a few times) to no avail. I have also ran a few distros of Linux on my 1.7ghz P4 box and I was gonna try the Mandrake 8.2 on my AXP 1700+ box but I decided not to. Mandrake 8.1 wasn't a bad OS but it just doesn't have the application support that I need out of a computer.

[ April 19, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

oh yeah?

wel i've got 5000 yachts, 623 wives, 19 mansions in different countries, my own island in the bahamas, i own a chain of restaurants, a major shipping company, a telecoms industry that spans most of asia and a theme park in orlando.

(sarcasm mode off)

put down your handbags, ladies!  ;)  


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