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Cookie request from in this forum? YES!

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uhu... have fun weeding thrugh spam and other such solicitation. I don't like to be profiled without my concent thank you very much.

Go ahead live like a fish in a bowl. I'll keep my cookies off.


quote:Originally posted by X11:

Anyway, you said GM are crap, well GM own Chev idiot.
and you own a chev, anyway did you know my dads work car (my dad has a desk job, and also has to drive around the state fixing network problems for the Power company) and so his car and fuel are paid for by his work (logica) and thats a standard and very popular wagon (2000) and it has 210hp.
Australian laws (what laws?) arent very strict about car horsepower, but they are about speeding.

I just had to say this last thing to tell you all

And now i realize why zombie likes microsoft, probably because he works in a computer shop, and Without Microsoft Crap he would be homeless, but i
think we parhaps should drop this argument onto a different thread
--- End quote ---

What are you talking about retard? I said that GM *ISN'T* crap. Learn how to read boy.

You are right about Microsofts crap making me alot of money in the computer shop..but if I didn't have that job I am also qualified to be a mechanic, or I could be a carpenter or a landscaper. There are hundreds of other jobs out there that I can do so *NO* I wouldn't be homeless.

[ April 20, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Ok, back on the subject of cookies.

I tried those new chocolate cream Oreo cookies today. They really suck, I like the original Oreo cookies alot better.

Nope. The remote OS guess of Windows ME or Win2K RC-1 is way off. LoL

Jesus Christ boy, you really are a loser aren't you. I just looked at firewall 1's log and this is what I came across. You really have nothing better to do than sit on your ass and *TRY* to hack a computer ehhh?
You are pathetic though because you didn't even make it past firewall one, so you didn't even trip an alarm with firewall 2.

(EDIT)Thanx for your IP because now I get to have some fun.    ;)    (EDIT)

[ April 20, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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