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Cookie request from in this forum? YES!

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quote:Originally posted by X11:

Yes but knowone cares about people who like Microsoft here and there loony bin oppinoions and how they like posting images of the nob on forums.
So in a word Fuck Off Dickhead.
--- End quote ---

Nobody cares about the opinions of individuals who don't know how to spell. Oh yeah! You started talking about the cock remember? X11 loves the cock.

Ok. Now I know your ISP, thier phone number, thier E-Mail addy and even thier street address. (EDITED OUT for legal safety reasons(EDIT)You may like to try to play the game...but you screwed up when you tried it with someone who is experienced. And to think, you are afraid of harmless little cookies when there are much worse things out there that can endanger your privacy.      :D    

Telstra Internet

Address of ISP
Telstra Internet
Locked Bag 5744
ACT 2601

Phone number of ISP
+61 6 248-6165

E-Mail addy of ISP

[ April 20, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

[ April 20, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

I have a question for you. Does your motherboard by any chance have the i810 chipset?


quote:Originally posted by X11:
Trying to scare me....
Like i care, run a D0S my Windows loaded peice of crap gateway will crash and i will reboot and reconnect, but ive reconnected since then.[/
--- End quote ---

I don't do DoS attacks man. When I get pushed far enough to attack someone I simply damage thier motherboards' BIOS so the computer will not work again. You haven't made me mad enough to do anything like that yet.

[ April 20, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

well! that wouldn't be a very nice thing to do!!!

also, wouldn't it be easy to find out all that stuff about telstra, by just looking in telephone directories and suchlike?


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