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Cookie request from in this forum? YES!

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not all of his posts have been fixed up, a couple slipped the net.
i was thinking of sending him a PM to tell him about it but i didn't  :D

Oh no! The cookie monster is gonna get you all!
IE has something that your primative browsers must not have. It is called cookie control.

Pretty nifty eh?

This indicates that the cookies for a site have been blocked. In this example I have the cookie for this site blocked.

[ April 18, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

oh pish and tosh!

all the other browsers handle cookies fine, if in slightly different ways, the problem is those fucking sites that won't let you view them without cookies, for so called "security reasons".

Besides, it's the principle of the thing, are you one of those people who thinks that only people with something to hide want their privacy?


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
Besides, it's the principle of the thing, are you one of those people who thinks that only people with something to hide want their privacy?
--- End quote ---

Not at all. I keep my browsers' cookie control set at Medium-High at all times. It is low enough to where I can use forums but it is high enough to block the cookies from ad sites, porn popups, etc. It is a well known fact that ad sites use cookies to collect information about you and your interests so they can pop up ads that will interest you(so you will click on the stupid ad). I'm not very worried about hackers seeing my cookies because I have yet to have my system hacked(My firewalls block people everyday and I have *EVERY* port stealthed).

Really, I doubt MS gives a damn what sites you visit. I really doubt that MS reads anyones cookies. They have more important stuff to deal with than to sit around and browse peoples' cookies.

:eek:    :eek:    :eek:  
i agree with everything you just said!!!
well they say there's a first time for everything!

no, as i have intoned in the past, the privacy compromise is rarely about tracking individuals, it is about second parties selling first party information and statistics (gathered through easy to write and cheap software) to third parties and not giving any of the proceeds to the first parties (that's you and me) whose statistics and data they sold in the first place.

bringing it back to that car analogy, it's like somebody hiring out your car to strangers at night and keeping all the money because you were sleeping and wouldn't have used it then anyway.


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