All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
OMG Windows sucks! Windows SUCKS!!!
SO ya know... I thought I'd install Windows XP because I wanted to play Morrowind since it doesn't work on wine yet and all. Anyway, I was replying to a post here and suddenly the computer rebooted for no reason, and it's been doing this every 30 minutes or so ever since. I think I have a virus or something, I was usin' kazaa earlier. ERRGH. Now all my phoenix bookmarks are screwed up for some reason and I can't even add new ones.
I downloaded norton and scanned my hard drive, no viruses. I guess it's all windows's fault.
Try the pc-cillin on-line scanner from Trend-Micro.
Back in the days when I was still using Windows it discovered a virus on my drive which Norton and McAffee did not find.
After searching for a while it seemed that both Norton and McAffee did not scan for polymorph virusses.
Since then they probably adapted this but it says enough about their scanners imo.
I had the same problem...
Random reboots every couple of minutes followed by the mother of all corrupted boot.ini's...
Come to think of it I was using Kazaa just before that too...
Guess it serves me right for using such a virus weak OS and such a shoddy, spyware laden file share client. :D
edit : btw morrowind gets pretty dull after a while... even if you up the walk speed past "crawl."
[ April 06, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]
quote: OMG Windows sucks! Windows SUCKS!!!
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