All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

if MS didn't make such crap OS products, I wouldn't have a job

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This thread has been moved to the "Microsoft Operating Systems" section. This isn't about "Microsoft in the News".


quote:No wonder many ITs are Windoids. Their jobs depend on M$ crapiness.
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Not just ITs, hell, there are entire companies that do nothing but sell apps that overcome the many manifest weaknesses of Winderz:  :eek:  Symantec (Norton anti-virus, Norton Clean Sweep: program archiving, registry cleaning, program uninstall), McAfee (anti-virus), LavaSoft (anti-spyware/adware), to name just three. If M$ actually improved Winderz, they'd destroy a good chunk of the economy.  :D
Live Free or Die: Linux

If software can be free, why can't dolphins?


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