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Are there any good things about Windows??

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Well we all know that Windows has many many bugs but I was wondering if there is good about it and if it has any advantages.If you know any please write.  

Compared to other operating systems Windows has two perceivably good things going for it:

[*]Nearly any piece of hardware is Windows compatible[*]It has the largest selection of software[/list]

Both of these attributes have their caveats.  Supporting such a large amount of hardware often results in flakey drivers, or seemingly unsolvable conflicts.  And while Windows has a large selection of software, 95% of it is garbage.  Likewise, the hardware market is filled with tons of generic crap, and staying on top of who makes the best parts oftentimes requires hours of web research before building your own box.  It's a double-edged sword.

That said, I'd answer your question more directly and say no, there is no inherent advantage to running Windows.  The two points mentioned above are not because Windows is technically superior, but because we live in a digital hegemony, and developers and hardware manufactures produce to supply its demands.

After spending a few years away from Windows I literally cringe when I see the unintuitive nature of it.  Take something simple like accessing a WebDAV share; in OS X I just hit Command + K and type in the address, but in Windows you have to hop through a number of steps in its "Add Network Place" wizard.  One is constantly berated with a bunch of reminders, warnings, pop-ups, and helpers.  Why can't I just work?  Why does the desktop have to be the equivalent of a construction zone, with millions of signs, lights, flagmen, and potential accidents that need to be avoided?  I just want to get my work done!  

Then I remember the mentality of Microsoft's audience.  MS emerged out of a corporate culture, where everything needed to be neatly presented in a chart, graph, or memo; where being overly cautious, overly structured, and void of humanistic common sense is a positive attribute.  Windows' target audience is the same idiots who need reminders on their McDonald's coffee cups that "this beverage may be hot."  

So maybe there is something good about Windows.  Its utter mediocrity provides a nice point of comparison; a point where you can say "here is the wrong way to do things" then move in the other direction.

[ August 17, 2004: Message edited by: bedouin ]

Personally, I still think I  can do most of the stuff I do in good old DOS.

"I was wondering if there is good about it and if it has any advantages.If you know any please write."

I know one:

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Live Free or Die: Linux
If software can be free, why can't dolphins?

Yeah, but the Linux command is cooler:

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