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windows networking! *sigh*
Master of Reality:
i am using windows98 as a client for my otherwise strictly linux network. My server is red hat 7.2.
My windows machine seems to have problems taying on the internet, it will go to a few websites and then just start displaying the "cant find site page". This is on internet explorer since netscape doesnt like my network rigt now. If i restart explorer the internet works fine again for a couple websites, and it just keeps doing that. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this. (i know that this is but i dont care, i'm not gonna go and ask this on a windows forum like those people are just...uhhh, i dont think here is even a word to describe their level of stupidity/ignorance.
I will probly re-install windows soon anyway, (gotta make sure you re-install windows at least once a week)
I can't believe you guys let a stinkin' Winmodem be your stopper. Are you telling me you can't even scrounge a 'real' modem if you can't afford the 20 bucks to buy one? Shit, I've got a stack of them (yes even a few 56k) on my shelf doing nothing since I've had cable for the last year or so. I'm almost tempted to take your addresses and mail them to you for free, write them off on my taxes as a charitble contribution.
[ April 22, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
I can't believe you guys let a stinkin' Winmodem be your stopper. Are you telling me you can't even scrounge a 'real' modem if you can't afford the 20 bucks to buy one? Shit, I've got a stack of them (yes even a few 56k) on my shelf doing nothing since I've had cable for the last year or so. I'm almost tempted to take your addresses and mail them to you for free, write them off on my taxes as a charitble contribution.
[ April 22, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
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huh? my problem isnt a winmodem. Actually its not my computer that is running windows (its my parents) and i'm thinking of crossing them over to into the light (Linux). Eventually i will install red hat on their computer, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a month.
[ April 23, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]
I was replying to X11's remark that he has a machine running Windows only because it has a Winmodem, and there was someone else who said they were "forced" to use Windows because of their Winmodem in another thread. Poor excuses if you ask me...
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
I was replying to X11's remark that he has a machine running Windows only because it has a Winmodem, and there was someone else who said they were "forced" to use Windows because of their Winmodem in another thread. Poor excuses if you ask me...
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i could send them my 9600 BOD(is that how you spell it??), 14.4, 28.8, or my other 28.8 modem.
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