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Come and help a Linux dood with Windows 3.11
nah basiclinux looks real good im gonna try and get it goin on the old thing.
holy fuck that thing is sturdy, its all working fine. lets get to work, first things first, move this to the linux forum.
use the dhcp file from the basiclinux page, (i would just install everything from that page if i were you) and do a hard drive install of basiclinux. to do this you must install it on your dos partition in a folder, making sure you have a linux partition ready, then run it and then follow the instructions to run the bas2hdd thing to install it to your hard drive. DO NOT RUN THE bas2hdd THING USING A FLOPPY VERSION OF BASICLINUX. It will work, but it will work WRONG! You must then get rid of your DOS partition or you'll be really strapped for space, and then of course you'll have to edit it so it knows it's on /dev/hda1 instead of /dev/hda2.
Basiclinux is tricky. i had very little trouble with it but that's because i read LITERALLY all the documentation, including the 20 page or so FAQ, AND the magazine review of it (all available through the basiclinux front page) BEFORE i started. Do do this. If you don't, basiclinux's installation idiosyncracies will have you gnashing your teeth in minutes!
good luck!
Question 1 of an inevitble multitude of questions:
How the fuck am i going to get this file to my 486 its a 2mb zip file. im lost already lol. i can only really use floppys and unless pkunzip is included with win 3.11 then i can unzip it? any sugestions? unzip it on my linux box then use two floppys?
you'll need a stack of floppies for this sort of thing.
void main told me two different ways to do what you are asking.
the first way is to use 'split' to split up your original file on your 'big' machine, then use 'cat' to concatenate the file back together again on your 'little' machine. This won't be any use if you are using DOS though. what you need to do is create c:/baslinux on your little machine, then unzip your 2MB file on your big machine and stick the files onto two floppies. the largest file will take up one floppy, and the other files will all go on another one. copy all those files into c:/baslinux on the little machine and away you go. You now cd into the baslinux directory, execute 'boot.bat' and you are running linux. You then need to mount a floppy that contains bas2hd.tgz, then unzip the bas2hd file somewhere, then mount /dev/hda2 onto /hd (and you will already have used linux fdisk in basiclinux to make partition on /dev/hda2, and then you will have done 'mke2fs /dev/hda2' as well, it's all in the readmes!), now cd into the directory where bas2hd is and run 'Go' to install to your hard drive.
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