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Why Doesn't Bill want us to uninstall his browser?

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Why isn't there an uninstall button for IE??????
Ever tried to accually delete the sh^ty files one at a time? As soon as you can move them to the Trash bin, Windoze 'thinks you want IE' so it replaces want ever you removed!!!!!!!
Why Doesn't Bill want us to uninstall his crappy browser? Does anyone know why this is???? Another thing, why did Bill integate IE into Windoze? Anyone with a mind wouldn't want that! Hmm, I just don't seem to understand.

P.S. If anyone knows how to delete IE PLEASE TELL MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I've had it with that thing, I just want to see it gone, if anyone can help, please do!!!!

By the way did I mention I hate Microsoft?

Canadian Lover:
You can't unilntall IE, but you can use this, instead

MS locks IE into the operating system to insure it has IE installed on every computer with an MS OS.

This allows them to leverage their OS monopoly into a browser monopoly.  

Then they do crap like preloading IE on bootup so it seems like it's faster.

[ May 13, 2003: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]

In Windows XP, from what I hear, you can select not to install IE. If you install it and want to remove it later on, I belive the first (or second) service pack allows you to do so.

I've never actually seen an option to choose not to install IE.  After Service Pack one you can go into add/remove programs ==> set program access and "remove" it there, but all that does is remove the links.  The best I could manage was killing the links and denying it access to the internet with Kerio Personal Firewall.  Come to think of it maybe you can boot into linux, mount the windows partition and delete it from there...   ;)


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