All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why Doesn't Bill want us to uninstall his browser?

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IE isn't an "advanced engine," unless by advanced you mean non-standard and prone to exploits such as the cd-tray thing you just were subjected to.

Please get Moz 1.4 or Phoenix, I swear you will never go back after using them.  The pop up and image blocking alone is worth the effort.


quote:Originally posted by Visentinel:
Hey IE may be a bad browser but if you use portal apps like MyIE2 that uses the IE engine, u get all the features and more that mozilla may have, with the pretty advanced engine of IE.

Stuff often looks heaps better in IE you know    
I wont argue the browser wars, everyone has there own personal pref, ive used mozilla and it looks promising, but IMO its not finished yet.

that Thing that open my CD Trays freaked me out ecsyle, How can i secure this?
--- End quote ---

do not use windows xp, do not use internet explorer. that is the only way to really secure your computer . as for IE rendering pages better, that is complete crap. every page i have designed or go to looks far better in a gecko or khtml browser. did you happen to click that red hat link?

If he thinks IE looks so good, can someone paste the url to those demos on the Mozilla site?  I've forgotten it...  BTW you expect IE to be secure???


quote:Originally posted by Visentinel:

that Thing that open my CD Trays freaked me out ecsyle, How can i secure this?
--- End quote ---

You cant that's our point

get with it

IE only looks good when you design for IE only and then in all the other browsers look like crapola
Now if everyone would just follow w3 we'd all be happy


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