All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why Doesn't Bill want us to uninstall his browser?

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the reason you cannot uninstall IE is to keep you using microsoft products and to keep you seeing the word "microsoft" until you get it screen-burned into your retina.

the reason it is integrated into windows is to keep you using it because it came with the system and you can't get rid of it.

one of the many reasons windows is insecure is that IE is integrated with windows, this means a security bug in IE is also a complete security flaw in the windows OS itself, meaning someone can use a simple webpage to totally compromise your computer, and do anything they like (including completely trash it) to your filesystem.

the reason IE does not properly conform to w3c standars, and the reason it does conform to the shitty code output by the html filters in msword and msfrontpage is because microsoft wants its incomprehensible markup from those proprietary apps to become the "defacto" standard instead of the w3c's real human readable html.

Microsoft have published articles about how they believe obfuscation is a good tool for security (which is bollocks, good tight code is a good tool for security!) and bill gates has often said it is crucial for his company to establish the defacto standard as early as possible whether it is the best technology in its field or not (guess which they usually go for).

Ime Using MyIE2 and it gives me the add and popup blocking, Tabbed Browsing, Plugs to IE Plugins ( only using DLexpert ) .

And i already have Tried Switcing to Mozilla, and i just didnt like it.

for Java Support, i hate having to use that crap shit java Engine from Sun, the ms java support in IE loads like 20 times faster and uses heaps less ram.

First of all, IE is not standards compliant, meaning that it does not comply fully with the Worl Wide Web Consortium Standards (W3C). Therefore, most of the sites you visit or have visited have not rendered properly so you were not getting the full picture.

Secondly, IE is notoriously bad when it comes to math. Yes, math. For example, you have to pass useless instructions to your CSS, just for IE to get it and render the page properly. It's also really crappy when it comes to rendering a site which depends heavily on level 2 CSS, especially IE 5.* plus it can't do the cool things Mozilla can do. Take a look at this page also to see what a Gecko-based browser can do.

Thirdly, IE is ridiculously insecure. Did you know that the CD-opening script is just a two lines VB script? Or that the page that crashes IE, depends on a simple line of HTML?

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Check it out.      

Now, if you still want to stick with IE, I don't really know what else I can say.    :confused:

[ May 14, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]


quote:Originally posted by Visentinel:
Ime Using MyIE2 and it gives me the add and popup blocking, Tabbed Browsing, Plugs to IE Plugins ( only using DLexpert ) .

And i already have Tried Switcing to Mozilla, and i just didnt like it.

for Java Support, i hate having to use that crap shit java Engine from Sun, the ms java support in IE loads like 20 times faster and uses heaps less ram.
--- End quote ---

you think you're going to get a rise out of me? think again.

open source software is all about choice, if you choose to keep using braindead software and that shitty shareware you windoids love so much then fine by me, and before we go any further the Sun java virtual machine is not open source, however Sun created the java technology which means that if microsoft's java machine is any different from Sun's (it is) then microsoft's is automatically less functional.

anyway, if somebody chooses to use this shitty microsoft crap, i don't give a fuck, but i do wish these "i just didn't like it" whiners would shut the fuck up. can't you come up with a better insult to throw mozilla's way? sorry, i am giving you the satisfaction of getting a rise, like you wanted.

well all i am saying is who cares if you use windows Vsentinel (does the V stand for Virus? - nope i just noticed it's "vi" sentinel, nice, do you realise "vi" is now available in several open source versions, one of which is used by microsoft's developers routinely?), just don't go spouting all that FUD about how microsoft software is any use. if you're going to use it then at least admit its limitations. you only need to convince yourself it's the best because you fucking paid for it.


quote:Originally posted by ecsyle:

yep. nothing beats a browser that will delete your harddrive. hey, i have an idea......there is a link you should check out on this page

[ May 13, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle ]

[ May 13, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle ]
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haha, i clicked on that link on a schools windows computer, and now its infected with a virus! yay me


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