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Why Doesn't Bill want us to uninstall his browser?

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is that True lol !?
Windows users dont like OpenSource haha.

Ime Not Suprised   :rolleyes:  But really, how did you come up with that Conclusion ??

hey By the Way Calum dont Apologise, its mostly my folt, i dont really knwo how to Start off in the Open Source Community FOrums, Its Hard been a Windows user and talking to Open SOurce/Nix Communitys  ;)

I just get labaled a Winblows Zealot dont i   :D  

Try to remember, not all us windows users are AOL Dumb Asses that cant setup a Linux Box if our Lives Depended on it    

Ile give Mozzy another Role sometime, when ime not Downloading so i can give it a spin arround my fav Sites


quote:But really, how did you come up with that Conclusion ??
--- End quote ---

1 It's better.
2 Windows users dont use it.

Thats the reason why he came to that conclusion.  ;)

I wonder why :|

Theres nothing wrong with Open Source Software   :confused:

I think ppl associate it with "freeware" which is usually shite.


quote:Originally posted by Visentinel:
I wonder why :|

Theres nothing wrong with Open Source Software    :confused:  
--- End quote ---

i know that and you know that, but as mentioned before, most people think of nagware and shareware and they thing anything that is "free" must mean it's not properly written let alone properly supported.

how little they know.

I am no zealot myself though, i was just trying out filezilla (an open source alternative to ws_ftp and smartftp, two free of cost but closed source programs) and you know i don't like filezilla as much, and i think it has more bugs than ws_ftp. Of course ws_ftp has not changed in seven years and i fully expect the bugs in filezilla to be worked out in the foreseeable future, another reason i prefer open source overall.


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