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Why Doesn't Bill want us to uninstall his browser?

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Doctor V:
I've heard of a app called Ieradicator that I hear can do it, but then I've heard that you can lose performance.  Even if you do delete IE from windows than you still have to deal with all the other buggy windows apps that come pre-installed.  And then there's the OS itself.  You should ask yourself 'what am I using windows for', and then 'can I do this without using windows'.  I see that you prefer the mac, but are still using windows for somthing.  A good chance you could do whatever it is your using windows for on a Mac or Linux.  And if you really really can't switch, there is mozilla, s posted above.


quote:Originally posted by Faust:
I've never actually seen an option to choose not to install IE.  After Service Pack one you can go into add/remove programs ==> set program access and "remove" it there, but all that does is remove the links.  The best I could manage was killing the links and denying it access to the internet with Kerio Personal Firewall.  Come to think of it maybe you can boot into linux, mount the windows partition and delete it from there...    ;)  
--- End quote ---

Yes I tried that... I deleted the Internet Explorer directory, but when I booted back to Windows XP, it came back  :mad:

Yeah...I haven't figured out how to actually delete/uninstall IE, so i just ignore its existence and use Mozilla (which rocks socks, btw).  However, keep it around to try fun things like the "cupholder script"!  A security flaw that results in immense enjoyment...and funny emails from website patrons!

Hey IE may be a bad browser but if you use portal apps like MyIE2 that uses the IE engine, u get all the features and more that mozilla may have, with the pretty advanced engine of IE.

Stuff often looks heaps better in IE you know  
I wont argue the browser wars, everyone has there own personal pref, ive used mozilla and it looks promising, but IMO its not finished yet.

that Thing that open my CD Trays freaked me out ecsyle, How can i secure this?


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