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What name should the next windows version have?

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quote:Originally posted by Pyrotechnician_2004:

What the FUCK are you talking about, Windows XP running on the Red Hat Shell, fuck off, you obviously aren't a Linux user and deserve to be shot.
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Must you be so mean to others?

what about

Windoze Masturbation 05 - to fuck up with you PC even more time than before


quote:Originally posted by Pyrotechnician_2004: obviously aren't a Linux user and deserve to be shot.
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You'd be happy if we shot all the non-Linux users? That'd reduce the population of Earth by about 99.5%... just enough to doom humanity to a few generations of futile reproduction, replicative fading, genetic stagnation, and eventual extinction.  You could even go 2000 years into the future and return to MS-Planet of the Apes...

Windows FU AOL'er Edition

Windows F***ed Up AOL'er Edition - Heh... AOL "1337 h4x0rs"...

Or Windoze BS Satan Edition <<< I hope Bill is watching!


quote:Originally posted by
how about Windows STFU edition

then maybe everybody would shut the fuck up. windoze shills, and anti-ms pussies alike

it's not funny anymore. even the household cat thinks it's annoying
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Yes, we can get the Microsoft employees to shut up! You anti-anti-MS pussy. And Microsoft STFU Edition can get the competition to STFU, so that MS can take over the computer industry! You wish.


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