All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
What name should the next windows version have?
Virtual PC, they own the name anyway, may as well put it on the product it belongs on.
Microsoft Bob :D
14 / 8 / 2006
Just in: Microsoft Announces New OS Product!
Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft and creator of Windows OS, has recently announced a new line of product: Windows SP. Gates explains the name stands for "SuPerior". He continues that Linux and Open Source is insecure and unreliable. He recommends that all companies use the newest stable software from Microsoft, which has been announced 100% safe from any malicious attacks, apart from those written by people, Ballmer says in an earlier interview.
An anonymous Linux user has commented that SP also stands for service pack.
15 / 11 / 2006
Windows SP
M$ chapter 11
Windows BS?
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