All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

What name should the next windows version have?

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Windows YF(c) for

Windows "YourFucked"

I've created a logo to go with it for the startup screen:

[ June 18, 2004: Message edited by: Aazn ]

Cool logo! It says "GET FUCKED" in a sneaky grey colour  ;)

Wow, I had to put my brightness up to 90% to see that!

I just opened it in MS Paint and filled a black area with white to eveal it. And it looks more to me liek it says, "YOUR FUCKED"  :cool:


quote:Originally posted by rinzai:
I reckon it's going to be

Microsoft GNU/Linux

or am i just too optimistic?   :D  
--- End quote ---

this would be AWFUL!

i still vote for microsoft winsux.


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