All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
What name should the next windows version have?
Winbloze Wrong Porn
quote:Originally posted by Midnight Candidate/BOB:
It's taking so long because they're listening to consumers!
...sorry, I never COULD pass up a good straight line. :D
--- End quote ---
Windows 95/98/ME/2k and XP all took their time to get onto the market.
I think they should cold the next "improved" version of Windows -> WINDOWS XLS where XLS stands for Extra Large Shit :D
How about:
Windows EW (for Even Worse) The slogan could be "Bet you thought we couldn't do it, but here is is!)
or maybe:
Windows LE (for Luser's Edition) "If you thought that XP was good, then this is the perfect OS for you!"
Windows 4Q (and 4Q doesn't stand for 4th quarter) "It's what we do best, but now it's in our name."
How bout "Windows AE" - Armageddon Edition. Cos I can tell you, that is exactly what It does to your PC. And what will they call the service Pack? Windows Reloaded. Gumph.
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