All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
EULA so you don't forget
I'm adding this link for reference.
microsoft EULA
The part that you should take seriously is:
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Everybody should read this, so they understand what is wrong with microsoft.
quote: Software publishers spend years developing software for the public to use.
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Or they buy it like the original DOS, or copy the gui interface like bill gates did.
quote: If the original hardware becomes inoperable, it is not within the terms of the license to install the original software on different hardware.
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This alone personifies what fucking greedy bastards these microsoft motherfucks really are!
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]
I totally agree..... Is there a Link somewhere for the Windoze XP and service pack 1 for the EULA? That is an interesting one
Firstly, you can view Microsoft's sample EULAs for both the home and pro versions of windows at the following URLs. I know many people don't like to visit and also these docs are hard to find anyway, so i have mirrored them on my webspace. This will also guard against any sudden disapearrance of said EULA from the microsoft site:
PLUS: a few interesting additions to this collection of M$ EULAs:
changes to the OEM EULA with the release of Windows XP Professional and Windows XP Home Edition
quote:'s EULA FAQ
The End User License Agreement (EULA) FAQ
End User License Agreement
Certificate of Authenticity
Shared Use and Other Restrictions
Upgrades and Other Special Uses
Concerns about Software Piracy
Anti-Piracy Resources
Download Word document (390KB)
Computer software is protected against unauthorized copying and use by copyright law and other intellectual property laws and treaties. These laws and treaties grant the author, typically the publisher of the program, a number of exclusive rights, most importantly the right to make copies of the software. Software is copied when it is installed on the hard disk of a computer or when it is loaded in the computer's temporary memory (RAM). Copying software without the permission of the author is "copyright infringement," for which the law imposes penalties. For questions about local copyright laws, contact the Business Software Alliance (BSA) at one of the appropriate telephone numbers listed at the end of this document ( see Anti Piracy Resources ).
End User License Agreement
Almost all commercial computer software is licensed directly or indirectly from the author - the software publisher - for use by the customer through a type of contract called an "end user license agreement" (also known as a EULA). Different products may have different types of EULAs.
Where do I find my End User License Agreement (EULA)?
How are Microsoft's End User License Agreements (EULAs) delivered?
Can I make a second copy of Microsoft Office for Windows
I followed the last link and MS want my "passport". natually I don't have one, but... it displayed a hotmail address similar to the one i use (Probably one I aborted using).
Oh great Linux in the sky send me clients to shower me with money so I can fuck MS off out of my life/office and everything, everywhere, forever. PLEASE!
that's a good indication that your browser is storing info about you. To access the majority of those pages you need not only a microsoft .NET passport but also a microsoft OEM login. When you have BOTH of these, the security conscious people at microsoft will allow you to MERGE them! meaning that, i suppose, anybody who can crack your MSN also has OEM access, not that that means anything, i blagged an OEM login with totally falsified details, and as i say a child could do it.
Although, if you clicked the link and got asked for your .NET login AND SOMETHING WAS ALREADY FILLED IN FOR YOU then it means you have undeleted cookies (go into the preferences dialogue of your browser and set cookies to only live as long as the current session) or in the case of Internet Exploder, the problem could be a lot more deep rooted. See this document here to know how to eradicate all traces of your online behaviour from your computer. Then STOP using IE. You have been warned. :D
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