All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

EULA so you don't forget

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Keep in mind that with the GPL, you can install linux on as many machines as you like, as many times as you like.


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Fuck that EULA. I paid a quarter G for the OS so I have the right to install it on whatever PC in my household that I want to install it on. I don't give a fuck what the EULA says.
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Wrong, because you see when you use Microsoft you have no rights.

Sorry I couldn't resist   ;)

Doctor V:
So then you, windows XP user admit that you have no rights.  No rights over your own computer that you paid alot for.  And your happy about this and insist on praising microsoft every chance you get?  Somehow I don't think you will answer this.

Time for a change.


I only care about one right, and that's my right to remain sexy!  Yeah baby!

The Auditor:
Then install Linux and blackbox!
Then you will see how much better Linux is.
in fact.. just KDE3.

and if you paid a  "quarter G" for a Microsoft Product, you paid too much.. you can download that shit for nothing.. i don't even use my own Cd's to get that shit, it would be a waste.
Linux is the only OS i put on my own Cd's.. others i get from people dumb enough to install that ever time and money consuming microsoft virus.

The Auditor


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