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Hide changes from Windose product activation

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There was a article in this months PC Advisor magazine about a prgram that might stop product activation.
I don't use Windose XP so I don't if it will work. Will post more latter.

[ March 07, 2003: Message edited by: Tattooed ]

I didn't use a program. I saw a tutorial on a Dutch tech website how to do it. I can't remember exactly, but I think I changed something in the register, rebooted started Windows Product Activation, and then rebooted again.

funny, i never had to do any of that shit to stop productactivation. maybe it's because i'm using the 'Mandrake Linux 9.0' version of windows xp...

Who cares? People who use windows deserve that kind of treatment! Period!   ;)

[ March 12, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]

I once heard a story about a guy who ordered Windows XP from the internet. When he got his Windows XP box home, he installed the operating spyware and was soon asked for the license code "worth" $ 215.
He couldn't find it in the box. He called Microsoft and asked them to send it to him. After some difficulties, the promised to send him a license code. After 30 days, his computer was locked until he got the license code a month later.


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