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Windows XP is a worthless piece of sh!t.

If I wasn't a gamer, I'd have no reason to keep windows. Win98SE for the record.  :rolleyes:


quote:mattymanx: Windows XP is a worthless piece of sh!t.

If I wasn't a gamer, I'd have no reason to keep windows. Win98SE for the record.
--- End quote ---

Not exactly. Linux gamers have two options:
[*]Buy native Linux games, like Quake 2/3, Unreal Tournament (2003), etc.[*]You can emulate many games in Linux with WineX. The disadvantages of WineX:

There is a paid and a free version of WineX. The paid version has support for installers and playing games that need a CD-ROM. The free version doesn't have that, you have to install the game in Windows, find a no-CD crack and then play it.[/list]


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