Miscellaneous > Applications
I'm moving back to Opera!
Opera does seem to be better at supporting IE only sites. It comes with a user agent switcher built-in. Firefox needs an extension which doesn't seem to be as effective as Opera.
I tested a few sites from the list of IE only sites here: http://toastytech.com/good/badsitelistframe.html
Some have since been fixed, or maybe it's Firfefox that's been fixed, most won't work in Opera or Firefox, but there are some which work in Opera and IE but not Firefox.
https://carelink.minimed.com/patient/entry.jsp?bhcp=1 Works in Opera with the user agent set to mask as IE, doesn't work in Firefox regardless of the UA setting.
http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/gamechannel Works in Opera with the UA set to identify as Opera or Firefox. This is obviously not an IE only site, it's just listed as such because it won't work in Firefox. It also works with Chrome, which indicates that Firefox needs fixing, not the site. I wish Firefox zealots would get their facts straight before blaming sites.
https://esp.rci.rogers.com/EAMWeb/TCSP/ENU/Common/servlet/login.xml?ReturnUrl=%2fEAMWeb%2fTCSP%2fENU%2fAPI%2fservlet%2fAdminGetUserProfile.ewfm - Same again, works perfectly in IE, Chrome and in Opera (not quite perfect but still works) but not at all in Firefox.
http://datawarehouse.hrsa.gov/DWOnlineMap/MainInterface.aspx Works in Opera and IE but not in Firefox or Chrome. I'll let the zealot off on this one, it does say it requires IE >6 on non-compatible browsers but it doesn't block non-IE browsers, it works under Opera with the UA set to Opera.
http://www.topjob.com.br/ Opera, Chrome and IE not Firefox
https://pcws.wal-mart.com/cws/seeker.html Opera, Chrome and IE not Firefox
I know that there are some sites which render better in Firefox than Opera (the MES is one of them) and there are probably sites which work in Firefox and IE but not Opera. I think that designers should ensure their sites work in all browsers but it does piss me off when people automatically assume that just because a site doesn't work in Firxfox it's the site designer's fault and not their favourite browser. I always test a site in gecko and WebKit and Opera before I blame the site designer. It's fair enough blaming them if it blocks non-IE browsers but that's often not the case.
Note: I didn't check all the sites on the list.
Lead Head:
I suppose it could be a FireFox issue why they aren't working, but what if it IS a coding error on their part, and Opera/Chrome are just better at working around those errors?
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez on 6 January 2010, 18:32 ---https://carelink.minimed.com/patient/entry.jsp?bhcp=1 Works in Opera with the user agent set to mask as IE, doesn't work in Firefox regardless of the UA setting.
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Doesn't work on a Mac in any browser. Which means it probably uses Windows-based program hooks that are only available in IE. I suspect that even if it loads in Opera, it isn't fully functional.
--- Quote ---http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/gamechannel Works in Opera with the UA set to identify as Opera or Firefox. This is obviously not an IE only site, it's just listed as such because it won't work in Firefox. It also works with Chrome, which indicates that Firefox needs fixing, not the site. I wish Firefox zealots would get their facts straight before blaming sites.
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This site works fine for me in Firefox. You're the one who needs to get your facts straight.
--- Quote ---https://esp.rci.rogers.com/EAMWeb/TCSP/ENU/Common/servlet/login.xml?ReturnUrl=%2fEAMWeb%2fTCSP%2fENU%2fAPI%2fservlet%2fAdminGetUserProfile.ewfm - Same again, works perfectly in IE, Chrome and in Opera (not quite perfect but still works) but not at all in Firefox.
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This page shouldn't work in any browser. The fact that it does in most of them only proves how many browsers are willing to work around shitty programming and how many are not. I don't fault Firefox for not loading this page at all.
--- Quote ---http://datawarehouse.hrsa.gov/DWOnlineMap/MainInterface.aspx Works in Opera and IE but not in Firefox or Chrome. I'll let the zealot off on this one, it does say it requires IE >6 on non-compatible browsers but it doesn't block non-IE browsers, it works under Opera with the UA set to Opera.
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This site baffles me. I've pored over their code, including all their linked JavaScripts, and can't find the section of code that does the browser check. In fact, if you look at the file javascripts/actions.js, you'll see that there is code that checks if the browser is IE5 or Navigator 4, and then programs the appropriate JavaScript calls. There's actually client-side code in there designed to facilitate old and/or non-IE browsers! But they must do some sort of server-side browser check somewhere.
--- Quote ---http://www.topjob.com.br/ Opera, Chrome and IE not Firefox
--- End quote ---
Works just as well in Firefox and Safari as it does in Opera. Hard to tell, though, since I don't speak Portuguese very well.
--- Quote ---https://pcws.wal-mart.com/cws/seeker.html Opera, Chrome and IE not Firefox
--- End quote ---
Should not work in any browser. Have you looked at the source? Fucker has embedded tables down to 5 layers:
--- End code ---
And that's just the beginning. That's irresponsible coding, and I'm sorta glad Firefox doesn't allow it.
I think in most of the examples you've cited here (that really don't work in Firefox), the coder is at fault, for not running his site properly. Choosing to use coding hooks that only work on Windows is ridiculous. Automatically blocking certain browsers from the server side is just plain mean, especially if your coders are facilitating them from the client side. Illegal XML and HTML code shouldn't be coddled by a browser, it should be burned and discarded by a browser. I see Opera's behavior in this arena as kowtowing to the clusterfuck that Microsoft and IE have made of web standards.
Think about the two of the most popular websites on the internet - Google.com and Amazon.com. Both work with all modern browsers on all platforms. No messages, no warnings. As a matter of fact, those sites probably don't even use workarounds any more - they've streamlined the processes so well that simple code is able to do complex things. This is how the internet can and should work.
--- Quote from: worker201 on 7 January 2010, 00:44 ---
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez on 6 January 2010, 18:32 ---https://carelink.minimed.com/patient/entry.jsp?bhcp=1 Works in Opera with the user agent set to mask as IE, doesn't work in Firefox regardless of the UA setting.
--- End quote ---
Doesn't work on a Mac in any browser. Which means it probably uses Windows-based program hooks that are only available in IE. I suspect that even if it loads in Opera, it isn't fully functional.
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I haven't tested it under Linux yet.
--- Quote ---
--- Quote ---http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/gamechannel Works in Opera with the UA set to identify as Opera or Firefox. This is obviously not an IE only site, it's just listed as such because it won't work in Firefox. It also works with Chrome, which indicates that Firefox needs fixing, not the site. I wish Firefox zealots would get their facts straight before blaming sites.
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This site works fine for me in Firefox. You're the one who needs to get your facts straight.
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Yes, that was my mistake, I forgot to disable Adblock, it works without it.
--- Quote ---This site baffles me. I've pored over their code, including all their linked JavaScripts, and can't find the section of code that does the browser check. In fact, if you look at the file javascripts/actions.js, you'll see that there is code that checks if the browser is IE5 or Navigator 4, and then programs the appropriate JavaScript calls. There's actually client-side code in there designed to facilitate old and/or non-IE browsers! But they must do some sort of server-side browser check somewhere.
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My guess is it doesn't do a browser check, if a script fails to execute it presumes you're not using IE.
If it did a browser check, it would fail on Opera with the US set to Opera.
--- Quote ---
--- Quote ---http://www.topjob.com.br/ Opera, Chrome and IE not Firefox
--- End quote ---
Works just as well in Firefox and Safari as it does in Opera. Hard to tell, though, since I don't speak Portuguese very well.
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Might fault again for not disabling Adblock.
--- Quote ---
--- Quote ---https://pcws.wal-mart.com/cws/seeker.html Opera, Chrome and IE not Firefox
--- End quote ---
Should not work in any browser. Have you looked at the source? Fucker has embedded tables down to 5 layers:
--- End code ---
And that's just the beginning. That's irresponsible coding, and I'm sorta glad Firefox doesn't allow it.
--- End quote ---
What's the limit on the number of levels of nesting for an embedded table?
Whilst it seems strange that anyone would nest that deep, it also seems odd that a browser should limit it, that seems like a lame excuse to me. My guess is that Firfox imposes an arbitrary limit to nesting and other browsers don't.
There are schools of thought (FOR EXAMPLE ITS THE PURPOSE OF XHTML) that suggest even if browsers can work out what a developer intends, under circumstances that it is not complying with standard specifications the browsers should not only fail to render the page fully, but should actually abort and display an error.
In fact I'm 50/50 XML demands user agents abort for syntax errors. If thats true then Firefox does the correct thing and other browsers are breaking the spec for this page:
this is to prevent the future of the web (that looks like an xslt page) from being fucked over like html was.
the last time i was keeping track firefox was the holy king of rendering internet explorer specific shit. if it still was you could argue thats a BAD THING.
aloone, ever run into any problems with firefoxes rendering while you were using it? what about opera?
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