Miscellaneous > Applications

I'm moving back to Opera!

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Fortunately most sites I visit work with both browsers, albeit with the odd rendering error. I haven't had a problem with either of them yet.

Here's an example of a rendering error I get with Opera but not Firefox.


I have a feeling it's due to a conflict between Opera and Windows system font being set to large. I don't think I'd get this error if I set the font size to normal. I'm not going to try now because it would involve rebooting; got to love Windows. ::)

It was the Windows font setting that was causing the problem. It's still Opera's fault because the developers should have tested it with the large font setting. All of the other browsers don't seem to have this problem.

This just goes to show that there are many variables that can influence how well a browsers renders pages.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez on  7 January 2010, 02:55 ---
--- Quote ---This site baffles me.  I've pored over their code, including all their linked JavaScripts, and can't find the section of code that does the browser check.  In fact, if you look at the file javascripts/actions.js, you'll see that there is code that checks if the browser is IE5 or Navigator 4, and then programs the appropriate JavaScript calls.  There's actually client-side code in there designed to facilitate old and/or non-IE browsers!  But they must do some sort of server-side browser check somewhere.
--- End quote ---
My guess is it doesn't do a browser check, if a script fails to execute it presumes you're not using IE.

If it did a browser check, it would fail on Opera with the US set to Opera.

--- End quote ---
If a script failed to execute, an error or warning would be generated, yes?  I've been keeping the Firefox error console open while loading these pages, so I would have seen a JavaScript fail.  Also, as I said, I have looked over the code - there is no client side JavaScript that tests for browser or loads the browser check failed page that you get in Firefox.  So ergo it must be happening on the server side.

Also, Opera, as an also-ran, can fall through if it isn't tested for.  Consider the following sample code:

--- Code: ---if browser = Firefox
then fail
else browser = IE

--- End code ---
Obviously, this sample is an exaggeration, but I think you see how less popular browsers can fall through the cracks.

I went there on an Intel Mac running Firefox 3.5.6 with NoScript running. I got a small window box upper right that said I needed to enable JS to get all the features. I also have to allow OpenX.org scripts to run. They didn't seem to care about cookies if you were just looking.


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