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Windows users sure are funny!

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Not calling you narrow minded. But having been around Apple sucks, and Windows sucks, and Linux sucks forums. There are users who want thier OS to win. And then there are users who just want the other OS to die. Either way, I dunno how many have tried the other products extensively. But surfing either forum generally brings up an equal amount of close-minded OS bigots. Thier sig generally has some "fuck [OS here]" mentality though.


quote:Originally posted by fett101:
Not calling you narrow minded. But having been around Apple sucks, and Windows sucks, and Linux sucks forums. There are users who want thier OS to win. And then there are users who just want the other OS to die. Either way, I dunno how many have tried the other products extensively. But surfing either forum generally brings up an equal amount of close-minded OS bigots. Thier sig generally has some "fuck [OS here]" mentality though.
--- End quote ---

I definitely agree. There are close-minded Windows users as well as Mac or Linux users (rare), something with which I certainly disagree. However, being a Linux user means that you have been through the world of Windows and have a specific view on both OSes, which would 99% be negative about windows by the way.

hmm. So really when you said 'ironic'you were in fact saying that people who come here are naturally predisposed to being closed minded then.

first of all, bollocks, and second of all, what do you expect from a site with the word fuck in the title? also might i point out that the only real pains in the arse who have ever posted on this forum have either been fanatical anti-mac/unix morons or fanatical pro-windows morons. You don't seem to get many linux using out and out dumbasses to be honest.

Ah finally. After wandering for so long I have found my stance on my favorite OS.

All OS' Suck.

wow! they all suck except AIX which sucks raw eggs through a thin straw!

so if they all suck, can i assume you will be using the batch processing method popular before the advent of unix?


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