All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows users sure are funny!

<< < (4/5) > >>

No, even those were on the suck list. And I always liked AIX personally...

Master of Reality:
these people are hilarious.... we should keep these people in cages at zoos with their Windows PC and laugh at them.
this guy opened up his "Processor" (box is what he meant) in order to fix that his taskbar would hide or somethin':

(yes i was banned... but i have ways around that)

[ September 23, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

That link just makes me cry..

As for my OS. I think I'll smash my head against something and hope some nice GUI develops in my hallucinations.

Oh my god, I can't believe I just read that entire thread!! Talk about humor. Maybe we're better off leaving some people with Windows.  

I read the whole thread too, I have no fucking idea what they are talking about! Expanding buttons?

They couldn't be talking about the systray icons disappearing when you exit an application, could they?

That would mean that one of those dipshits had some application running in the background for weeks, even though he wasn't using it. is just sad.


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