All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows users sure are funny!

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All I know is that I am now dumber for having read it.

That is a riot! "Now, look at the screen and tell me what you see." ... and he gets it wrong!

I kind of miss doing trouble calls. Like when they make you drive 150 miles at 3:30pm Friday afternoon, to show them where the on/off switch is.

ye gods. but believe it or not some of the threads on that board are almost sensible. my favourite part from that link (yes i dumbfoundedly read the entire thread too!   :eek:   )
quote:CHEERS!Finally found someone who has the same problem.
Sorry, I have no answer for you. I have called Microsoft and even they dont know what I am talking about. They had me hide my sys tray task bar. But, have heart, sometimes it comes right back up to normal and stays that way for weeks. Then all of a sudden when I open my CPU, its all exposed, maybe thats why Microsoft told me to just hide it, so it wouldnt bother me. Good luck. Let me know if you ever find answer.

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[ September 24, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


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