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Partitioning problems
I have no idea what I did, but somehow I completey screwed the partitions on my second HD. Nothing in Fdisk works, I tried dedleting every type of partition it listed and nothing would work. I tried using patition magic 7. It said my drive was "BAD" and when i tried to partition it it just gave me an error. What kind of options do I have? I'm completely out of ideas now.
Well, it sounds like there's a good chance that your drive is bad. Did you happen to install any BIOS drivers like EZBIOS? If not, are your settings in your BIOS right for the drive that you have installed? Have you verified the master/slave jumpers (assuming you have IDE)? Have you checked the cables and or tried different cables? What was the last couple of things you did before the problem started, if any? Have you tried disconnecting your other drive and running the problem drive as the only one in the system? How old is it (not that that matters)? What make/model?
It's a maxtor which I bought new. It is running as the slave and it was working fine before I did who knows what to it. I think I might try hooking it up to my other comp with winxp to see if that can do anything.
Master of Reality:
how big is it? Is it set in the BIOS to "auto-detect" settings or have you entered the settings in yourself?
Gooseberry Clock:
Set it up as the primary master, boot from a floppy or CD and type FDISK /MBR you should then be able to run FDISK, delete the one partition listed and repartition everything as usual.
If that doesn't work, I can e-mail you a copy of Norton Disk Editor for you to play around with.
[ June 09, 2002: Message edited by: Gooseberry Clock ]
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