Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
Longhorn Linux? Really?
I'm sure I've mentioned before that Aero looks like somebody at Microsoft gave a 4-year-old kid a box of crayons (only 9, with no sharpener) and told him to make it look like Aqua. And the kid failed, but by then it was too late. I really don't see the point of making your OS look like the crappiest UI design of the last 5 years.
--- Quote from: worker201 on 12 March 2010, 03:55 ---I'm sure I've mentioned before that Aero looks like somebody at Microsoft gave a 4-year-old kid a box of crayons (only 9, with no sharpener) and told him to make it look like Aqua. And the kid failed, but by then it was too late. I really don't see the point of making your OS look like the crappiest UI design of the last 5 years.
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I recall hearing a similar comparison when windows xp went mainstream..
I fucking despise microsoft designs. Of windows, of windows mobile (the new one of which may even be impressive technically, but is a shit departure from an iPhone-esque interface).
Xp should've had media centre, the Zune theme or even luna in silver as the default setting.
Fortunately it wasn't long before fix for uxtheme.dll was developed so people could make their own themes.
Lead Head:
While these projects seem "neat" at first. I think they actually do more harm then good. Whats the point of even trying to get *Nix popular, if people will just think they are using windows anyways?
--- Quote from: Lead Head on 13 March 2010, 04:21 ---While these projects seem "neat" at first. I think they actually do more harm then good. Whats the point of even trying to get *Nix popular, if people will just think they are using windows anyways?
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Microsoft doesn't have any control over *nix?
Btw, I don't think these projects are "neat" in the least.
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