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Windows only IT departments don't know shit
quote:Originally posted by void main:
I'm sorry, you must work on a help desk.
--- End quote ---
It's amazing how little people know about BIOS and command line anymore. If it doesn't use a mouse and pointer, they don't know how to use this. CLI was b4 my time, I'm only 18, and I know DOS and *nix better than most of the IT Pros I've encountered. I think it's pathetic.
Windows has crippled the IT competency of this nation.
Help desks are never helpful. They read out of a manual basically and have no idea how to get really dirty when it comes with messing with computers.
It doesn't matter what the problem is when it comes to Windoze, the remedy is always the same. Re boot first, if that fails, re install.
I had a user call Dell's "award winning" support about a Windoze problem with M$ Word. Can you guess what their solution to the problem was ? Yup, re install Windoze (after already reinstalling Word) "that ought to do it" the helpdesk person cheerfully informed the user. WTF ?!!
Any idiot can fix windows like that. I mean it's not like we have anything important on our HDs or anything, and it's not like I don't enjoy wasting tons of time and CDs backing up my files and reinstalling everytime windows fucks up "beyond repair," which is quite frequently.
I thought we had some windows tech support guy visit here who said reinstalling was usually the given answer because it easier for idiots to do then some of the real solutions.
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