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Windows only IT departments don't know shit
Well the IT person should be the one fixing the problems. not the end user. What's the purpose of an IT dept. that does nothing but tell the end user to reinstall. It kind of defeats the purpose.
[ January 09, 2003: Message edited by: SAJChurchey ]
Like a mechanic telling you your transmission is bad and the only way to fix it is for you to put in a new one, then charging you for it, like you don't already know something is really wrong hahahaha
Here's something for you Mac lovers out there. This is why IT is forbidden to touch any Macs on campus:
The yearbook needed to downgrade to OS 9.2 for some reason (I think OS X had issues w/ their printer or something). The yearbook president discusses this with them to see if it is doable, and in no way did he say "come in and do this ASAP." He was just thinking about it.
When he comes in the next day, OS X boots up normally, but all of the files are gone. All the pictures for this year are gone.
They reinstalled OS X trying to get the printer to work the second time 'round, and they didn't back up any data on the HD. All the pictures that cannot be replaced were lost b/c they're not used to having data on a computer at any given time.
Since then IT is not allowed to touch any Mac on campus. A MacUser student organization runs a help desk for it instead.
That is pretty stupid and they shouldn't be allowed to touch *any* machines, not just the Macs, because the results would be the same. However, you are playing with fire by not having them backed up in the first place or keep these important images on a server that is backed up. What if your hard drive zaps, or there is a fire, or the computer is stolen or vandalized?
[ January 09, 2003: Message edited by: void main ]
Attention to detail (or common sense for that matter) is obviously not a concern anymore.
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