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Windows only IT departments don't know shit

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quote:Originally posted by void main:
That is pretty stupid and they shouldn't be allowed to touch *any* machines
--- End quote ---

Damn. You beat me to it.

heh. that sounds like the iMacs in the lab I  watched over fall of 01 semester.

Our IT director at Destitute State... er, I mean Arkansas State is a cross-platform guy, but everyone else there is an idiot.

Okay, there's an issue that I'm having getting the iMacs to connect to the outside world. Namely, the school's DHCP server is a turd,  along with their shiteater routers. So, I call the IT morons and ask 'em what they did to their server today, and the guy kinda mumbled and said he needed to come "do some stuff" on the iMacs.

So, just to fuck with him, I restarted all of 'em to OS X (this was sucky ass 10.0, BTW and it was still better than what they had). For the life of me, I don't know how, but that solved the problem. All of the software we needed was running fine in Classic, so I decided to leave 'em in X. I was getting the 10.1 update that weekend, so, I'd fix 'em all up then!

Okay. The guy never shows up, and he doesn't come by until late Monday, after all of 'em had 10.1 installed on 'em. He comes in, sits down at one, and pulls out an OS 8.5 CD (which won't even install on these things... they require 9.1 or higher!) I immediately ask him what he's doing... "reinstalling".

So, after ten minutes of so, of me rolling on the floor laughing at his stupidity, I told him to leave because they worked fine now. He looked stunned and left.

Windroids are dumb.

somebody was telling me on another forum that these windoids only go crawling up microsoft's ass because they don't know of things like linux et c, he said it's not fair to call people stupid when they don't know any better, but stories like this make me think that, yes, they really are just stupid fucktards!

Nice stories you people got there.

Although it isn't his official job my dad is IT Manager at the small company he works, thank god he has experience with Linux, DOS and Windows(and probably Unix, if that is the stuff they learned the tech service of the army in Yugoslavia to use) or that company would be doomed.

He spent a day removing a trojan from the network(well, not really, he was also trying to find out how it worked and he trojaned our home network too to play around, so now my dad is an official script kidde  :D  )

A guy (Adam)i know works for a web design company but provides tech support over the phone.  One phone call on Monday morning goes like this:

Caller (end user): My monitor is dead, the computer is not working, i move the mouse nothing happens.

Adam:  Okay, is there a light on the pc case.

Caller:  Whats the pc case?  This doesn't have one.

Adam:  Okay, is this a Mac because normally only macs don't have cases?

Caller:  No this isn't a Mac.

Adam:  Okay well there should be a "metallic box" with a couple of buttons.

Caller:  Nope, i havn't got one.

Adam: Is it under the desk?

Caller:  O Wait, i see this box with some buttons on it.

Adam:  Push the button.

Caller:  O its working now!

What happened was it was a new week and after she had left on the Friday afternoon the IT people had turned the computer off, must of been the first time they had EVER turned it off because she had never had this problem before.  She also never realised what was underneath her desk all this time either.

[ January 10, 2003: Message edited by: Crunchy(Cracked)Butter ]


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