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Windows only IT departments don't know shit

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one of our engineers here at work had an embarrasing moment last week.

i got a call from the big head of our dept, asking if i could locate a particular PC (all the incoming and outgoing new and old PCs come through our office) and this particular one was an old PC being replaced with a new one by this engineer. Anyway, i looked for the paperwork and i found the paperwork to show that the new PC had been collected for installation by the engineer something like 3 weeks before, but could not find any record that the engineer had brought the old PC back to us.
Well about three hours later after the whole place and a few other offices had all been searching their records, the engineers had been riffling through their paperwork and so on, the engineer concerned finally went upstairs to the user's desk. He said "you know that PC i replaced a few weeks ago?... I took it away didn't i?" and she said "No, it's here under my desk." and it had been for three weeks before anybody thought to chase it up!

Perhaps we could find a lot of our old IT equipment this way. also, i wanted to point out that sometimes it's not the users who make the mistakes!

End users are idiots a lot of the time.  That's why they need good IT depts. to make up for a moronic work force.  We're the ones who control and understand the technology behind business.  We are the shepards and they're the flocks.  

But if the IT dept. doesn't know shit, and the end user is assumed to know absolutely nothing.  Your business is just not living up to it's potential.

the it directors at my school seem to think that linux is a toy os. when i asked them about putting linux on 1 or 2 pcs in each lab they wer e like 'you can play around and have fun with linux etc at home'. ok now i told them very seriously that they need to re-evaluate their definitions of serious os's and toy os's. then i started walking away and thought about it again, and soon i needed oxygen i was laughing so hard

I feel sorry for those tech support guys after reading this crap.

From the link provided above:

#  Customer: "I installed Windows 98 on my computer, and it doesn't work."
# Tech Support: "Ok, what happens when you turn on your computer?"
# Customer: "Boy, are you listening? I said it doesn't work."
# Tech Support: "Well, what happens when you TRY to turn it on?"
# Customer: "Look, I'm not a computer person. Talk regular English, not this computer talk, ok?"
# Tech Support: "Ok, let's assume your computer is turned off, and you just sat down in front of it, and want to use it. What do you do?"
# Customer: "Don't talk like I'm stupid, boy. I turn it on."
# Tech Support: "And then what happens?"
# Customer: "What do you mean?"
# Tech Support: "Does anything appear on your monitor? I mean, the TV part."
# Customer: "The same thing I saw last time I tried."
# Tech Support: "And that is what?"
# Customer: "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
# Tech Support: "Yes, sir. What is on your screen?"
# Customer: "A bunch of little pictures."
# Tech Support: "Ok, in the upper left corner, do you see 'My Computer'."
# Customer: "No, all I see is that little red circle thing with the chunk out of it."
# Tech Support: "You mean an apple?"
# Customer: "I guess it kind of looks like an apple."



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