All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows only IT departments don't know shit
i remember about a year ago i got very pissed at my computer and typed "stupid computer" into google. I found Computer Stupidities. I fucking love that site. i think i spent a good 5(?) hours rumaging through it, cracking up at people. Seriousely now, a cup holder on the front of the case?? formating a disc by ripping the metal off, and stripping the plastic. or shaving the sides off of a cd so it would fit into the floppy drive. Too funny.
quote: I was calling to sign up with a new DSL provider. When the guy asked what operating system I was using, I said, "Linux." I was put on hold for five minutes, and then a supervisor came back and told me, "You can't use Linux to connect to the Internet. It's a hacker tool, anyway." I almost fell out of my chair.
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TheGreatPoo: GOD! I think it should be mandatory for people to have some form of basic computer training before they can even touch one! I think it should be against the law for ANYONE without basic computer knowledge to touch, use, or even look at a computer. Smae rule applies for cars.
(then again, without stupid people, I wouldn't be laughing right now! :D )
Yeah, some people need to know what the fuck they're doing b4 they mess around and fuck something up, and then the IT dept. fucks up, and business as we know it is screwed.
quote:Originally posted by SAJChurchey:
Yeah, some people need to know what the fuck they're doing b4 they mess around and fuck something up, and then the IT dept. fucks up, and business as we know it is screwed.
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wouldn't happen with *NIX. normal users CAN'T fuck up the system on a properly configured *nix system...
One of my main points exactly.
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