All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows only IT departments don't know shit

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Kind of related, I was helping a buddy reinstall (lol) Windows on his pc and it wouldn't install properly "kernel32.dll (or whatever it is) general protection fault" and it would not finish. After remembering a coworker mention bios antivirus caused a similar problem for him, I called our Hurt, I mean Help Desk and asked them if turning it off was something specific and common or if it varied, and the girl, who I have helped with applications (Word, Frontpage, etc) in our labs where I work, and can't believe works at the help desk, didn't know anything about bios antivirus protection and no one including the supervisor on shift at the time did either. I figured it out but I just laughed that they had never even heard of it, and of course the point is they told me "We recommend doing a reinstall" *sigh*

kinda lengthy but who cares    


[ January 08, 2003: Message edited by: Engineer ]

thats as bad as the it department at my school,
and the term is helldesk

[ January 08, 2003: Message edited by: choasforages ]

Any other incompetent IT stories?  Please post.  I'll post another one later.  I want to hear the forum's stories.


quote:Originally posted by fett101:

--- End quote ---

I'm sorry, you must work on a help desk.

people who work on a helpdesk need help.

maybe that's why they take the job in the first place?


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