Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
Rolling Again
Got Flash and Adobe Reader running. Irks me to no end that they can't figure out some way to add those to the package manager.
One thing that is kinda driving me crazy - the internet is too slow. It's a wired connection, running off the same router and DSL modem as the Mac, but the performance is just crawling. Once it gets a page, it renders it pretty quick, but it seems like there is some sort of irritating delay while it thinks about your clicks. The absolute worst is trying to use some sort of Ajax interface, like Mafia Wars or Facebook or Google Maps - takes for-fucking-ever. Any thoughts?
Lead Head:
Is that with Firefox or Konq?
Firefox. I didn't like Konqueror at all. Firefox version is 3.5.9.
Disabling IPv6 in Firefox seems to have fixed my internet speed issues. Supposedly there's a way to do it at the OS level to fix it for Konqueror as well, but I haven't found that yet.
One of the fun things about Linux is that if you don't know what you're doing, you can really fuck things up. I managed to accidentally disembowel KDE last night. I was setting up PostgreSQL, and created the user postgres. Somehow, this user came with a password, which I didn't know, so I couldn't switch to that user or authenticate its tasks. I somehow decided that the best thing to do would be to delete the user and add it again, this time by passing the arguments to set the password myself. And since that user owned all the pgsql processes, I decided to remove all its packages and just start over with a fresh install. For some reason, though, the package manager decided to also uninstall all the dependencies for those packages - including a bunch of KDE system files. The package manager itself was even damaged during this episode. And konsole was gone, so there was no hope of rebuilding. I had to break out the install CD and start from scratch.
Well, that was fun. Fortunately, I didn't have any critical data on there at all.
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