Author Topic: OSX is the os of Haxxors  (Read 6924 times)


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OSX is the os of Haxxors
« on: 9 March 2010, 23:58 »
This is getting to be a pain. I went from PPC G4 Tiger directly to Intel Core Duo Snow Leo without using Leopard on either platform.

As a test I tried to find a reliable way to screen cap movies with sound. I tried the demo version of a program whose name begins with
Snap. The current version captured system sound correctly but garbled the video. The previous release got the video correct, but wouldn't capture system sound, just the microphone.

I thought, hey, why not just install the lower number release and swap out the audio kext from the next version. It was then I discovered that since Leo, Apple has disabled the old drop and drag-then fix permissions of kernel extensions. Bummer. So I Google and get no help at all. Apple isn't any help at all on this one.

So I opened both package managers side by side and swapped the archive.paz that contained the kext and then ran the installer again, and bingo, it works.

But I'm not completely happy with this and go searching again and change my search terms until I happen upon a hard-core hackintosh site that mentions how difficult Apple has made things, but they now have a free fix. I'm not registered there and don't want to just to get a hack like that, so I search file host sites for the file and find it elsewhere.

Apparently so many people have hacked the kernel in OSX to make it run on non-Apple hardware that now only hackers can fix programming mistakes.

I don't think I'll be buying a license for the Snap program, either. Seems so many people have been booting this that it now will only run past the demo if it can call home to authenticate. If the license is pirated or they just want to they can hack you down just like MS. I can understand their need to sell product, but I use a Mac mainly to avoid allowing anyone a backdoor with kill-code.

Grab comes with SnowLeo, but it doesn't do sound, iShowU requires SoundFlower, which is too scary a hack for me and doesn't run properly in 64-bit anyway. Copernicus doesn't do sound, either. CaptureMe only works for up to 60 seconds, which is pretty useless. Screenium and ScreenRecord don't capture system sound, just mics. ScreenMimic doesn't capture sound at all.


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Re: OSX is the os of Haxxors
« Reply #1 on: 11 March 2010, 12:02 »
I use SnapShot Pro X -- it captures video /audio fine.  Tweak the settings if necessary.


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Re: OSX is the os of Haxxors
« Reply #2 on: 11 March 2010, 13:45 »
That's the one I tried. I have the latest MacBook Pro and Snow Leo. The last release of SPX was Nov of last year. Some things work and some don't.
I think I'm going to try Screenium.


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Re: OSX is the os of Haxxors
« Reply #3 on: 11 March 2010, 13:54 »
I spoke too soon.  There is a Flash video I can't grab through any other method than a screencap so I had a go at it.

I know it works on my PowerMac -- so assumed it would go the same way on my MacBook.  Like you, I couldn't capture with audio unless I would reroute through SoundFlower, which isn't a big deal -- I just don't feel like installing it though. 

I was hoping to use the MacBook too since it is the only machine I have that could capture at a decent framerate (I'm guessing).  Oh well.  Letting the G4 have a go at it.  Luckily I have a dual 1.8ghz, so it could be much worse.

Any Linux tools for this?   


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Re: OSX is the os of Haxxors
« Reply #4 on: 12 March 2010, 01:25 »
Man, I spoke too soon. Screenium rocks. Only $29, too. I bought the license. The demo has a 30 second limit, but that was enough. Got the whole screen and system sound. It uses Soundflower, and prompted me for the download. The only problem I has was buying the license from esellerate. It would get lost and bounce me around trying to checkout. I had to quit Firefox twice and clear cache, cookies, et. al. to finally checkout.

There is a site that spoofs Toyota's unintended accereration problems.

The flash feed of the view through the windscreen is from Vimeo, and the interior is static, so I just grabbed the whole screen plus sound. To get the Vimeo video to load, you have to disable FlashBlock and restart Firefox.


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Re: OSX is the os of Haxxors
« Reply #5 on: 12 March 2010, 13:45 »
Any Linux tools for this?
Istanbul is the popular one for gnome anyway. (Does do sound btw, that's not clear from their website)
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Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.