Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
Debian Remaster HELP!
I'm (attempting) to remaster Debian (keep comments to yourself), and I need to A) turn it into a LiveCD and B) Make the LiveCD installable. I don't want to use Knoppix, I wan't to work purely from Debian.
Good luck with that :)
God's speed, Sir.
Lead Head:
Debian does not have their own live cd installation iso?
--- Quote from: Lead Head on 22 April 2010, 06:01 ---Debian does not have their own live cd installation iso?
--- End quote ---
No, only an installation CD or DVD.
Well, Ubuntu is based on Debian, and it has a LiveCD, so I guess yourlife's work is done.
Some guy named John from Australia pointed out that Debian actually has a LiveCD. Sort of.
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