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This thing Microsoft calls a screen magnifier

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Yes, basically,IT SUCKS, not only is everything pixalated beyond hell, it won't do full screen, and the full screen one that they have in Vista, won't let you click, useless. Windows 7's one is just, annoying. Oh and if you want a GOOD magnifier for windows, look for spending £835. Right, I want a Mac.


--- Quote from: yourlife on 26 April 2010, 19:26 ---Yes, basically,IT SUCKS, not only is everything pixalated beyond hell

--- End quote ---
Of course when you zoom in, everything looks like pixels :D
I prefer that to blurring everything.

--- Quote from: yourlife on 26 April 2010, 19:26 ---it won't do full screen, and the full screen one that they have in Vista, won't let you click, useless.

--- End quote ---
Yeah, I totally agree. The magnifier bar was pretty stupid.

--- Quote from: yourlife on 26 April 2010, 19:26 ---Windows 7's one is just, annoying.

--- End quote ---
Actually, the Windows 7 magnifier is a direct copy of the Mac OS magnifier. And I must say, it's a pretty good one. I could even zoom in on a HD movie, which was pretty cool considering I was able to count the acne on Brat Pitt's face.

--- Quote from: yourlife on 26 April 2010, 19:26 ---Oh and if you want a GOOD magnifier for windows, look for spending £835.

--- End quote ---
£835? :o Send me some URL's of this £835 magnifier software :P


--- Quote from: yourlife on 26 April 2010, 19:26 ---Yes, basically,IT SUCKS, not only is everything pixalated beyond hell, it won't do full screen, and the full screen one that they have in Vista, won't let you click, useless. Windows 7's one is just, annoying. Oh and if you want a GOOD magnifier for windows, look for spending £835. Right, I want a Mac.

--- End quote ---

It's pixellated? You sir think you can have your cake and eat it too. Sure, the good folks in Redmond can make it lie to you, but to Microsoft, a computer is a computer - not a motherfucking Star-Trek prop.


--- Quote ---which was pretty cool considering I was able to count the acne on Brat Pitt's face.
--- End quote ---
people find new uses every day for technology! it's inspiring.

£835 last time I checked
And I'm registered partially sighted/blind
(Basically a visual acuity of 6/60 (or 20/200))
Isn't Oculocutaneous Albinism nice and confusing?


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