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Am I the only Brit on here??

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--- Quote from: Calum on  6 May 2010, 11:34 ---i voted today. did the rest of you brits? if not, you disrespected all the people who died to give you the vote. have a nice day! :-)

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There are many good reasons to not vote. In fact, most people shouldn't vote. But that's not to say I don't think everyone should have an option to vote.

Oh, recommending seeing for hilarity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douche_and_Turd

I didn't know who to vote for so I voted for Liberal, not because I completely support their policies but because I'm anti-Labour and Conservative.


People should be allowed to abstain from voting.

I like the South Park explanation.

The way I saw it is I had the choice between a giant turd, a big wet douche or a little fart so I chose the fart, being the least worst of the three options.

I wish I chould vote, I'd choose Liberal. Damn it, I hate being 14.

Also did you hear about that 13 year old who managed to vote? haha, thats going to be an interesting story


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez on  7 May 2010, 12:31 ---I didn't know who to vote for so I voted for Liberal, not because I completely support their policies but because I'm anti-Labour and Conservative.

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I'm 16 and therefore not able to vote, but I agree with this, and I would have definitely voted for the Liberal Democrats for the same reason. That, and I can't help but think that the Labour party and the Conservatives are just as bad as each other truthfully.

For those involved in British politics, who should the Lib Dems merge with? Conservatives or Labour?

So nobody is in charge in the UK now? Could be worse. It the government would just go away over here in the US there would be much rejoicing.


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