Author Topic: IsLinuxAConspiracyTheoryAsWell(tm)  (Read 1589 times)


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« on: 29 March 2010, 01:23 »
This question may seem ridiculous, but I've been visiting anti-Linux sites recently. This is to express my criticism.

Here are a list of anti Linux sites I visited:

TM Repository - The worst anti Linux site I ever visited. They create strings LikeThis(tm). Each string has a description that would confuse "freetards" (their way of referring to Linux zealots), therefore letting them link to the string description's URL anywhere on the Web. The people there are solemn and can negatively review trolls even if they made a good point. The admin jokes that "evidence" is not on the "freetard" vocabulary and a user compared Linux's popularity with the popularity of sea water. Please note this is not the exact quote: "We have free salt water from the sea, yet we never drink it." Their home page is slow on my computer, has a middle finger there and the name is misleading because it makes people think that people register TMs there.

Linux Haters - The person behind Linux Haters writes solemn but satirical articles about anti-Linux. He also runs Anti-Tux.

Linsux - A forum dedicated to anti Linux. Have not signed up there but the logo is quite hilarious.*

Promoting Linux - An anti Linux site with flawed and obvious reasons why you should not run Linux. Slogan: "The Microsoft Way Is The True Way"*

Piestar - This British person makes good points on Linux zealots' beliefs, but some are known to you users without reading the site.

Jerkface Playhouse
- This common sense guy points out things like worst names of GPLed projects, why Windows 7 is a total waste (he mentions that Vista's decline allowed the news reporters to involuntarily convert to Linux zealotism, but how many people know Linux?) and how Opera could have been the browser with the second largest user base (he blames Opera Software for bombarding ads on the browser at the time of Firefox and blames Firefox as well, but I forgot why).

Firefox Myths
- I'm sure AJ knows this one.

STR - Their Linux section is full of half-cooked lies.*

Gerald Holmes - This guy's pro Microsoft homepage has a lot of spelling mistakes.*

Unix Sucks - If Unix Sucks, why do businesses use it everyday? Don't give me the middle finger and claim that Windows is used in many businesses. Just how many web hosts use UNIX based systems? Many. According to Wikipedia, half of all web hosts use Linux, a variant of Minix, which is based on Unix. Quite ironic that this site runs on ASP .NET.

*Not verified by reactosguy.

So the conclusion is, if Linux is given a bad reputation by those who are targeting the Linux zealots, we should give them the FU because it annoys me that there are many anti Linux sites, despite the fact that the truth is that I never used Linux.

To The Anti-Linux Site Owners: It's unlikely that the popularity of your Anti-Linux sites match that of Despite no longer being active, it attracted over 1.5 million users. Check the stats below.

Quote from: reactosguy topic=12338.msg135289#msg135289   date=1269549529
According to,, despite being sold, attracted 1,684,202 visitors, with   623,189 of them from the US, all on March 25 2010 at 4:30 P.M. Eastern   Standard Time (US/Canada). (   )
« Last Edit: 5 October 2010, 05:14 by reactosguy »


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Re: IsLinuxAConspiracyTheoryAsWell(tm)
« Reply #1 on: 29 March 2010, 20:24 »
That Promoting Linux site is hilarious, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Based on your review here, I don't think you got the joke.  Actually, a bunch of these sites seem to be pro-Linux, but anti-Linux zealotry.

Given the phrase "The Microsoft Way is the True Way", there are two possible ways to respond.
1) No, the Linux Way is the True Way.
2) No, there are other options available.

The first response is simply replacing one dumbass maxim with another.  Kinda like running a coup on Hitler so Stalin can take over.  The problem is not that Microsoft is dictating the direction of the computer industry - the problem is that a single entity is dictating the direction of the computer industry.  Knocking down one entity to replace it with another entity avoids the real problem - which is that alternate ideas and viewpoints are stifled when there is one paradigm dominating the industry.  Linux zealots who want to force all companies to replace Windows with Linux are making a big mistake - grabbing power for their own personal vindication.

Which is why I think the second response is the way to go.  I don't hate on people who use Windows anymore.  And occasionally, I use it myself.  Because Windows is a viable alternative for getting work done with a computer.  The main problem I see is that Windows is presented as the only way to get work done with a computer - and that's a problem which must be addressed.  If Windows had 1/3 or 1/4 of the market share, and hardware was released with drivers for all kinds of computers, I'd consider that to be a market utopia.


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Re: IsLinuxAConspiracyTheoryAsWell(tm)
« Reply #2 on: 29 March 2010, 22:22 »
That Promoting Linux site is hilarious, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Based on your review here, I don't think you got the joke.  Actually, a bunch of these sites seem to be pro-Linux, but anti-Linux zealotry.

What do you think about the celebrity endorsements? I'm sure they're just anti Linux quotes, not sayings from celebrities who visited the site. Plus the naked Britney Spears picture offended me.

Quote from: worker201 link=topic=12340.msg135299#msg135299   date=1269887066
  Given the phrase "The Microsoft Way is the True Way", there are two   possible ways to respond.
  1) No, the Linux Way is the True Way.
  2) No, there are other options available.

3) No, the Microsoft Way isn't the only way.

Quote from: worker201 link=topic=12340.msg135299#msg135299   date=1269887066
  The first response is simply replacing one dumbass maxim with another.    Kinda like running a coup on Hitler so Stalin can take over.  The   problem is not that Microsoft is dictating the direction of the computer   industry - the problem is that a single entity is dictating the   direction of the computer industry.  Knocking down one entity to replace   it with another entity avoids the real problem - which is that   alternate ideas and viewpoints are stifled when there is one paradigm   dominating the industry.  Linux zealots who want to force all companies   to replace Windows with Linux are making a big mistake - grabbing power   for their own personal vindication.

I agree. It's like Linux is dominating the market. That makes the problem worse, because then Linux will be the only option presented by under average computer users. Plus, more hackers and virus developers will target Linux once it dominates the market.

Quote from: worker201 link=topic=12340.msg135299#msg135299   date=1269887066
  Which is why I think the second response is the way to go.  I don't hate   on people who use Windows anymore.  And occasionally, I use it myself.    Because Windows is a viable alternative for getting work done with a   computer.  The main problem I see is that Windows is presented as the   only way to get work done with a computer - and that's a problem which   must be addressed.  If Windows had 1/3 or 1/4 of the market share, and   hardware was released with drivers for all kinds of computers, I'd   consider that to be a market utopia.

I don't see Windows being a good choice. This is why I registered here: to discuss on anti-Microsoft topics.

I DO use Windows XP, but it's not the fag Windows 7 shit that everyone should avoid.

On the Linux Haters, I remember someone looked at my signature on and shouted out personal info. That's how immature the LH readers are.