All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Me Activation
quote:Originally posted by Great_Satan:
Does Windows Me have to be activated like Windows XP?
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What on earth made you think it does?????
>What on earth made you think it does?????
When I called Microsoft tech support, they said it did have to be activated.
[ July 24, 2003: Message edited by: Great_Satan ]
your new so ill let you in on a not so secret. anything m$ says should be taken as a lie.
welcome to the boards.
I had a problem years ago when I bought Visual Basic 3.0 used at a yard sale for $1.00. I discovered one file was corrupted when I tried to install the program and tried to call Microsoft to get a copy of that file. They gave me the run around and one idiot connected me with the anti-piracy department, I guess so I could report myself even if what I was doing was legal. I finally found out that they no longer supported it.
quote:Originally posted by Great_Satan:
I had a problem years ago when I bought Visual Basic 3.0 used at a yard sale for $1.00. I discovered one file was corrupted when I tried to install the program and tried to call Microsoft to get a copy of that file. They gave me the run around and one idiot connected me with the anti-piracy department, I guess so I could report myself even if what I was doing was legal. I finally found out that they no longer supported it.
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yup that sounds about right.
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