All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Me Activation

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i thought about deleting this... but im curious as to how dude answers.

it probably is some ware kiddy pirate (Arrghhh!!) but you never know. maybe he truly wants to use WinME.

I've used WinME.  Its not bad.  it was the last MS OS I ever used.  You need at least 128mb of ram and a 60gig HD running 7200rpms to run it properly.

You also need to defrag/scandisk the registry every month!  AND DO NOT update winme with any patches or bug fixes since it will affect performance!

Win ME was my last Bindoze.  I got fed up, and friends introduced me to SuSE

Me is a slow, bloated, unstable piece of crap.  We had a celeron 700 computer in our group which came pre-installed with ME.  Even after doubling the ram to 128 MB it still ran like a turtle.  We eventually had to wipe the hard disk and put 98 on it (don't ask me why not Linux... not my box).


quote:Originally posted by suselinux:
Win ME was my last Bindoze.  I got fed up, and friends introduced me to SuSE
--- End quote ---

Now I can see mhy your so resentful.


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