Crosspost: purchased Avast 5.0 Internet Security because I really liked the free product. Upon the purchase I received a licence file from along with a link to download the product. Upon downloading the product I have found it will not accept my license, though the program doesn't state a reason as to why it failed.
There were no answers at all on this issue with any help on the sites FAQ. I immediately found a
thread which had no helpful answers and a few others experiencing this problem and it said to contact support.
So I contacted support and they sent me answers out of the sites FAQ. So I tried removing avast with AswClear and reinstalling (a second time). Two reboots later it appeared Avast had accepted my licence file, but decided that it had EXPIRED despite the fact it was brand new. Clearly, there is something horribly wrong with the program that direly requires an update.

Even someone with the most basic experience with computing could conclude from this screenshot which I emailed to support that the product is DEFECTIVE. Then I emailed support again to which they told me I should DO EXACTLY WHAT I DID BEFORE WHICH DID NOT WORK.
I don't believe I am the only person who is experiencing this problem or the lackluster support. Simply, I have been defrauded. I paid for a product which I did not recieve (a working licence).
[email protected] just redirected me to support, and refuse a refund. However, perhaps it can work, and since Avast have forced my hand I might as well try and make use of my withering time licenced.
That is what is even worse, they won't even attempt sending me a new licence file to see if that works despite the obvious fact that it would be fair I am compensated for not getting to use to product and thus time that was licenced to me was lost.
Is this really the kind of company you want protecting your computer? These guys are completely inept.